I have my transportion written with child support and medical expenses. It was written if the ex was not upto date on financial repsonsibility then they would not only have drive to pick the child up but to also bring her back. Child support is due 1st of every month. The ex decicded to push this boundry by paying anytime he chose and put the child in the middle and purposely makes an argument about not bringing the child back.
We recently went back to court to get a date settled. The way my lawyer worded it was he had till the 20th of the month to pay child support. If he paid the 21st he would be deemed late, and will be considered late until the following month's was paid. He and I both agreed to these terms. When I received the judge's writings of the modificiation, it states he has till the 20th of every month to pay child support anything after would be deemed late. But it doesn't say anything about he would be remained in late status until he paid the following month's child support. Because there is no way I would agree to the way it is written now. How do I get this updated?
Well, if he pays he's current, until he's late again. No doubt that's what the judge thought. If you want to go back to court and have the order rewritten to your liking you do need to contact your attorney who handled the matter.
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