Friday, December 26, 2014

My court order states that sons may attend private schools as long as both parents mutually agree. My ex is blocking my sons attending a pri...


My court order states that sons may attend private schools as long as both parents mutually agree. My ex is blocking my sons attending a private school for unreasonable reasons. My 17 year old has been admitted but school is afraid ex will take them to court. A letter from a lawyer was presented to school notifying that ex must file motion at me and not at them. A court case will delay entrance until next school year. Should school allow son to be admitted and did ex go in contempt of court by threatening school instead of filing a motion towards me? 17 year old has been with me the past 13 months, ex has paid for nothing for him and continues to collect child support.


To properly answer your questions, we would like to offer you a free consultation with one of our attorneys either over the phone or in person.

Please call 1-800-297-9191 or email James Luna at [email protected]/* */ to schedule your consultation.

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