Saturday, February 28, 2015

I was terminated while on FMLA. The US DOL has found the employer in violation and requested they pay me back wages and reinstate my employm...


I was terminated while on FMLA. The US DOL has found the employer in violation and requested they pay me back wages and reinstate my employment. The employer agreed to backpay but not reinstatement. Should i settle for that offer and if i do will it affect my EEOC claim (charge of discrimination for disability)?

The US DOL investigator notified me of the offer on 10/9/14 at 3pm.....I spoke with one attorney who advised to take the backpay and they would litigate the eeoc claim for me...then moments later i spoke with another attorney who advised do not take the offer/su the employer for front & back pay, liquidated damages etc


The question of whether you should settle is one that will depend on a number of factors.The second attorney may or may not be right, depending on the strength of your evidence that the employer willfully violated the FMLA by discriminating against you for taking the FMLA leave. Under the FMLA you can receive damages which include back pay, plus the same amount as liquidated damages, plus attorneys fees. In addition, you also can get reinstatement. You don't get "front pay unless the court concludes that reinstatement is impossible, or if a court decided it would create a greater injustice to reinstate you and displace another innocent employee. In such cases the court can award you front pay in lieu of reinstatement. In either case you win your attorney's fees. A violation of the FMLA may also be accompanied by a violation of the ADA. In the case where you also can prove the ADA violation you also can win back pay (but if you have received the backpay and liquidated damages for the FMLA violation, the court won't award additional backpay a third time); you also can win compensatory and punitive damages ranging from $50,000 to $300,000, depending on the number of employees the employer has. The settlement offered through the Labor Department certainly is a compromise and not the full amount that you might win if you sued. It isn't clear from what you write whether you are getting the liquidated damages portion along with the back pay, or if you are being reimbursed for your attorneys fees. But the settlement amount is money in hand "as opposed to a "bird in the bush"), and you would be getting it sooner rather than waiting 2 years for the conclusion of litigation. Additionally, if you hired an attorney to represent you in the FMLA claim, the attorney may have an attorneys lien claim against any amount that you receive in a settlement. Thus, if you decide to accept the offer on the table, make sure your employer is required to pay your attorneys fees.

Michael A. Caldwell


Relative in Ohio who owns Delano Calif.triplexall vacantcalled to offer me free logging in return for maintaining the grounds labor only...


Relative in Ohio who owns Delano Calif.triplexall vacantcalled to offer me free logging in return for maintaining the grounds labor only and for security purposes broken pipes roof leaks etc Today he called to say he going to sell it and & gave me a 7 day notice. In the 2 yrs living here based on his promise to repay me,I have paid $6,147 on material approved by him for repairs to triplex all labor free and $3924 for his prop tax in Ohio Nothing refunded now he wants to replace 10yr old carpet in my apt before listing & wants to sell cheap & fast ?? Question: Am I entitled to a 60 day notice? Please Help me !


I would say that you are at least a tenant-at-will and as such entitled to a 30-day notice. You could argue that you are a tenant on a month-to month agreement and that you paid rent in the form of the services you provided. As a tenant, you would be entitled to a 60-day notice since you have been there for over a year. You would have to prove that there was an agreement regarding the services between you and the landlord which could be characterized as an agreement to pay rent in that form.


A thirty day notice is required if you are a tenant at will. A tenant at will is someone who occupies the property with the consent of and at the whim of the landlord. This is kind of muddled up because you mention that your occupancy was in exchange for work, which creates a periodic tenancy if the work can be considered rent.

Can somebody use text messages between two parties that were read from a different device as evidence with out either of said parties being ...


Can somebody use text messages between two parties that were read from a different device as evidence with out either of said parties being aware of it? Example: I texted my sister iPhone to iPhone. Soon to be x-husband reads text messages from her iPad he took when he left, (which by the way was an anniversary gift he refuses to return.) Can he use those texts as evidence to incriminate her? Any legal advice in this matter is greatly appreciated.


Question: How does anybody know who sent the text messages? Did anybody SEE the person who sent them? This ends up being a problem of authentication/hearsay.

In other words, I can't come into Court and testify, "Judge, this is a text message that Jack Adams sent to me." I don't know who sent it. I didn't see who sent it. I may THINK I know who sent it, but I can't TESTIFY as to who sent it.

Hello,My mother (Arlene) had a step mother that passed away a few months ago her name was Phyllis. Phyllis was married to my grandfather (Jo...



My mother (Arlene) had a step mother that passed away a few months ago her name was Phyllis. Phyllis was married to my grandfather (John) which this was his second marriage (Phyllis is not Arlene's mother). My mother lived in John and Phyllis' house with her brother (Ronnie) all of their younger years until she got married and left. Before John owned the house Arlene's uncle owned the house for a number of years, so this house has been in her family for probably 100 years or so. John signed over the house to Phyllis for $1 in 1996 when he was sick and dying. He died in November 1998. Phyllis has a daughter named Susan. After Phyllis died our lawyer called up Phyllis' lawyer to see if there was a last will. Phyills' lawyer said she did have a will but it is on a floppy disk on a old computer which she cannot print out. She did not mention to whether or not the will was signed and scanned into the computer or the will does not have a signature, but since that lawyer is the lawyer who created the will for Phyllis in the first place, she should be able to validate its authenticity. Anyway, Phyllis' lawyer told our lawyer that Ronnie (my mother's brother) is in the will but Arlene (my mom) is not and Ronny would be receiving a letter in the mail (which he never received). Susan states that there is no will to bring to probate and the lawyer who has the will on the floppy disk refuses to show it.

Susan has now been named executor and has the control of going in and out of the house as she pleases. So if she finds a will in the house, I am sure she will destroy it. Since my monther and her brother are step children do they have any rights in all of this or if there is no will Susan will get everything because she is the daughter? This is a very difficult situation and need some help or advice. If anyone can help it would be much appreciated!




Not a difficult answer, if no original Will is located. House was given to a wife (ste-mother) some number of years ago and she became the owner. There is no obligation between a step-parent and step-child regarding inheritance. The natural children of a decedent are the only ones to inherit absent a probatable document (written, signed and witnessed, at the minimum). Unless a fraud is being conducted, and this may be difficult to verify and prove, nothing can be done for your Mom. Ronnie may have a claim, but this is also difficult to verify absent a written and signed document. The costs involved can be high and the outcome questionable. If no document has been filed (if one has been, it is a public document and can be seen by anyone), this is probably a matter of intestacy (probate proceeding where there is no Will) and neither Mom nor Ronnie, as only being step-children, are not covered by the intestacy statute.

My brother unlawfully broke into an unoccupied duplex. He broke out a couple of windows and put holes in walls. What are the charges that he...


My brother unlawfully broke into an unoccupied duplex. He broke out a couple of windows and put holes in walls. What are the charges that he could be faced with?


Burglary, criminal trespass, and criminal mischief all are possible. All are felonies.

Can my wife get half my retirement?


Can my wife get half my retirement?


Maybe. South Carolina is an "equitable apportionment" state. That means the Family Court Judge can divide up the marital property and debts in a way that is equitable between the spouses. Equitable does not necessarily mean 50/50, but it does in many cases.

The first step is for the Court to determine what property is marital and what property is non-marital. A basic definition of marital property is any property that is acquired from the date of marriage until the date of filing for separate support and maintenance or divorce. Of course, it is possible to obtain property during the marriage that is non-marital. A basic definition of non-marital property is property that was owned prior to marriage or if obtained during the marriage come by way of gift from a third party (not your spouse) or inheritance.

Once we know what the marital estate looks like all of the marital assets and debts will be divided between the spouses in an equitable way but it is not necessary to divide every single asset.

For example, the marital home may have $100,000.00 of equity. You may also have a 401(k) that is completely marital with a value of $100,000.00. If these are the only two assets an "equitable apportionment" may be that you keep your 401(k) and your wife keeps the home. Another way to apportion would be that your wife keeps the home and pays you $50,000 (1/2 of the equity) and you transfer $50,000 to her from your 401(k) (1/2 of the value of the account).

Every case is different and of course it depends on the facts of your particular situation.

My children are 13 and 14. When my ex and I split (we were common law married) they lived with and stayed with me on the weekends or every o...


My children are 13 and 14. When my ex and I split (we were common law married) they lived with and stayed with me on the weekends or every other weekend depending on their schedule. No custody agreement had been made with the courts but I've been paying child support. She recently married and left the state to be with her new husband who is very sick. She left the children in her home in the care of her 20 year old daughter. While she has been gone, I kept the children with me or stayed with them in my ex's home for the first month. Now, she has been gone for two months and this month the kids have practically been living with me and my new wife. My children's mother hasn't been paying the bills as she has been missing work and things are getting shut off in the home. The older daughter does not work so there has been no food in the home for a month. My wife and I want to bring my children to live with us in our home, changing their schools to the county I live in. The children have asked for us to take them as they are very unhappy at their mother's home while she has been gone. No one knows when the children's mother will return to the state, or if she will. Do I have rights and if so what do I need to do to take custody of my children?


You certainly have rights, but since you were never married paternity must be established by the Court. You may be listed on the birth certificates for the children, but likely have few guaranteed rights since the children were born outside of marriage and you have not been to court to formalize any custody/visitation. I am also assuming that the child support you are paying has been voluntary and not court-ordered. In the event your child support was court ordered you would almost certainly have been declared the father - so this may not be an issue.

You will need to file an action seeking temporary and permanent custody of the children. The first step in that case will be a temporary hearing where you will ask the court to award you temporary custody of the children. Your ex must be served with notice of the motion and hearing time. These cases can be complex and difficult to navigate through the system, so I would encourage you to speak with a lawyer in your area to help you out.

How many times can a litigant show up without an attorney for a case involving second degree assault?


How many times can a litigant show up without an attorney for a case involving second degree assault?


That's up to the Judge. The defendant should hire an attorney as soon as possible

Since I have won a money judgment, I am trying to fill out EJ-130 to levy a bank account. Where do I put the bank information on the form? I...


Since I have won a money judgment, I am trying to fill out EJ-130 to levy a bank account. Where do I put the bank information on the form? Is it necessary to put the defendant's last known address on the form?

Please advise. Thank you.


Bank account information does not go in the EJ-130, which is the form for the Writ of Execution. That information goes on the instructions to the Sheriff.

You need to put as much known information on the EJ-130 as possible to help identify the defendant and avoid having the wrong person be subject to your judgment collection procedures.

what is the law on late fees in Georgia? Can a bank charge you $25 late fee for paying one day late?


what is the law on late fees in Georgia? Can a bank charge you $25 late fee for paying one day late?


Generally, yes. Late is late - 1 day or 100 days.


In what context? For example, landlords may have limitations on late fees. Owing money to a bank implies a credit card or unsecured personal loan of some kind. If that is the case, $25 sounds right; some credit card issuers charge even more.

It does not matter how late you are. If you are late in the payment you are late. Some lenders will give a grace period or if its a one-time deal some may even waive it. It never hurts to ask.

But you forget who these banksters (bank + gangster = bankster). The banksters are in this to make money and one very profitable pool of funds is late fees. Some banks fee their clients to death (Bank of America is one of these criminal banksters who comes to mind). So why are you banking with an entity who treats you like this?

My advice would be to try to get the late charge waived if it was due to exceptional circumstances and if you have not had a prior history and have been a good customer. If the bank is unwilling to do it, then I would start looking around for a credit union or bank that still treats its customers right and move my money and business there.

Yesterday my wife and I went to court in order to become guardians conservators of our mentally/Physically disabled daughter who will be t...

Can a power of attorney who is the patients mother not allow the father to be told of his sons medical status in the hospital? Especially if...


Can a power of attorney who is the patients mother not allow the father to be told of his sons medical status in the hospital? Especially if the patient is over 18 years of age and not found to be incompetent? Please help! The hospital wont let my husband get any info if his son's in liver and kidney failure or what his diagnosis is. They are in California and we live in Florida can his exwife , the power of attorney, really not allow his 18 1/2 year old son not speak to his father from in the hospital or get the info from a nurse?


My advice is to call Adult Protective Services. They can visit the son at the hospital and determine whether or not he wants to speak to his father or is even able to do so. If he does not want to speak to his father, then it's perfectly legal for the son, or the son's agent (the mother) to instruct hospital staff to not put through any telephone calls from the father.

As far as answering medical questions goes, since the son is an adult, only he, or an agent under an Advance Health Care Directive or a court appointed Conservator, may be provided with confidential medical information. If the hospital were to disclose confidential medical information without the permission of the son, or the health care agent, that would be a violation of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) for which the hospital could be subject to a fine.

I was accused of conspiracy to robbery with two other defendants. I have nothing to do with the crime and the other defendants just placed b...


I was accused of conspiracy to robbery with two other defendants. I have nothing to do with the crime and the other defendants just placed blame upon me with no evidence. One of the other defendants already told the court that I had nothing to do with the case and the other is on the run having failed to appear in court at all. I can no longer afford my private counsel and I am no stuck between choosing between using pre-trial intervention for up to two years or going to trial. This is why I would like to know if I can switch to a public defender so I can take this case to trial to clear my name without having to pay my lawyer when I know my name will be cleared.


borrow the money. pay the lawyer. your life is on the line.


Nothing is certain in court.

Me and my 8 yr old daughter has just moved to a new neighborhood and the neighbor does not like me my daughter got on the school bus and the...


Me and my 8 yr old daughter has just moved to a new neighborhood and the neighbor does not like me my daughter got on the school bus and the neighbors 7 or 8 year old daughter started making my daughter feel bad by calling (me) her mom a whore and other names saying her mama knows me. Can I get her for slander or what can I do?

And I mean sue the mother not the daughter because the mother is the one that told this to the child...


You can't sue for defamation of character or slander. While what happened was inappropriate and bad. To sue for defamation offenses, you need to prove financial damages. Comments between children won't lead to financial damages. I would have a talk with the school about the bullying that your daughter is experiencing.

I know that a civil complaint with picture exhibits attached to it, have a Exhibit "1" page divider, then the picture exhibit itself in the ...


I know that a civil complaint with picture exhibits attached to it, have a Exhibit "1" page divider, then the picture exhibit itself in the page after it, in back of the complaint.

But I wanted to know, rather than putting the picture on the exhibit page, in the back of the complaint, can I just instead put the picture exhibit in the complaint, in the cause of action, in between the paragraphs, which would take about 1/3 of the page, about 7 lines of space?

Is there a CRC, CCP, case laws against this?


You don't put exhibits in a complaint unless they are required by law, such as contracts or surety bonds. "A complaint or cross-complaint shall contain ... a statement of the facts constituting the cause of action in ordinary and concise language." (Code Civ. Proc., sect. 425.10.) Your complaint should contain a statement of facts, not pictures. The purpose of your complaint is to advise the court and opposing parties of your factual claims and whether or not you have a cause of action that can proceed to trial. It is not a substitute for trial and is not a vehicle for proving the facts you allege.

My husband and I come from large families. I reside in NY. I have always watched my relatives children for the past 15 years. I recently had...


My husband and I come from large families. I reside in NY. I have always watched my relatives children for the past 15 years. I recently had a fall out with a neighbor who called CPS and Child Care Council with many false allegations. CPS is preparing to close as they are satisfied there is no present danger. Child Care Council on the other hand has been to my house daily, demanding to come inside, count my kids, stand on my porch telling MY relatives about their licensed providers and then came today and stood in my house and would NOT leave. These children in my care are my nieces/nephews/cousins and grand children with the exception of my 2 God-Daughters. They had those girls and Mom in tears today telling them they could not come here any longer! This is my own private house and I am not doing "daycare", but am babysitting. PLEASE someone help me.


Your question is about Family Law, but you posted it under Computer & Technology Law. Please re-post it in the correct category. More lawyers with the relevant expertise will see it there, and future users with similar questions will be more likely to find it.

Good luck.

I have a 17 yr old that has money in serget court how can she get it


I have a 17 yr old that has money in serget court how can she get it


The money is his, not yours.


Speak to the Clerk at the Court. They may help you, or they may require that a guardian be appointed since she is under age. Once she is 18 she may apply on her own.

I recently discovered a civil case against my ex husband and I was still pending, however I have no idea what the case is about. I requested...


I recently discovered a civil case against my ex husband and I was still pending, however I have no idea what the case is about. I requested information both in writing and via email on Oct 17, 2013 and again yesterday, Nov 19. Today I received the following notice. Date: 11/20/2013 Notice: RJO:

Motion for 41E Dismissal Filed

Set For Hearing January 10, 2014 at 8:30 am. pm

What does this mean? Thank you.


It means if no one does anything the civil case will be dismissed on January 10, 2014 for lack of pursuing it.

my wife was given a ticket for not yielding before a left turn after we was involved in a collision in which a person was on a moped whom wa...


my wife was given a ticket for not yielding before a left turn after we was involved in a collision in which a person was on a moped whom was possible killed in the process our car was impounded and the police gave us very little imformation


If someone was killed she may possibly go to prison and you may face a lawsuit that far exceeds your insurance coverage. You should have already hired her an experienced criminal lawyer. Do NOT delay in that and do not talk to anyone about the case. Indeed your posting your observations here on the internet, where police and the DA can read it, could be a mistake. Two things: (1) be silent, and (2) within the next day, retain counsel. Treat this as serious. It is.

My son is 19 and is out on a cruise waiver he has to turn himself in on the 25 of this month at that time he will be sentenced now he got fo...


My son is 19 and is out on a cruise waiver he has to turn himself in on the 25 of this month at that time he will be sentenced now he got four yes with half time OK the judge told him if he got into any trouble for now and then that 4 yrs goes to 8 yrs and no half time well on Thursday night he got arrested and I've had a few people tell me that I should bail him out bfor court tomorrow so it will move this court date passed the 25 and that way he could be sentenced before they see he was in trouble again is that true


Sorry - there's no way to answer.

I don't know what his current charges are, what his record is, what the new arrest was all about, how strong the new case is...

Tooany variables

Talk to the lawyer that represents him on the current Cruz waiver case.

After delivering appliances to my house with a big truck the driver of the truck decided to make a U TURN in my 20' wide street and hit and ...


After delivering appliances to my house with a big truck the driver of the truck decided to make a U TURN in my 20' wide street and hit and damaged my property fence.

I made a claim to the truck company for the repair of my fence , providing them with pictures and estimate ($600.00).

They asked me if I had any witness of the incident or surveillance video. I said no, I do not have any witness, nor video.

They said that the driver is denying hitting and damaging my fence, and that there is no mark on the truck's paint.

So the truck company after reviewing my claim is denying it, reason being: "due to lack of evidence".

What can I legally do to recover the cost of the damage?


Take the truck driver to the small claims court.

My ex husband and I have 50/50 custody of our girls 12 and 15. The girls would like to stay at my house 100 percent of time(except for every...


My ex husband and I have 50/50 custody of our girls 12 and 15. The girls would like to stay at my house 100 percent of time(except for every other weekends) during the school year and do 50/50 during the summer. At there ages can they chose where to live?


Kids do not get to choose, you need more evidence.

Use of a lawyer is recommended.

John A. Smitten, Esquire

Carey and Leisure

622 Bypass Drive, Suite 100

Clearwater, FL 33764

Phone: 727-799-3900/Fax: 727-490-4944

[email protected]/* */


Not if you already have a court agreement or order. You would need his written consent or a court modification.

Is there a grace period after signing a promissory note that you can cancel?


Is there a grace period after signing a promissory note that you can cancel?


Read the note. Does it contain any kind of cancellation? Any truth in lending type disclosures? What kind of promissory note is this? With a private party? Or a business that regularly lends money?

If this was just a promissory note between two acquaintances/friends, then there is no cancellation period. If this was a business which lends money, there should be a 3-day cancellation period.

I want to build an app that will access the user's account at a financial institution, download certain information, perform some calculatio...


I want to build an app that will access the user's account at a financial institution, download certain information, perform some calculations on the info, and then display the results of the calculations.

The financial institution would likely prefer that the user not see the results as the results show how much money the financial institution is making off the user.

Could the financial institution prohibit the use of the app?


Yes. Also you should be expecting a visit from FBI agents if you keep discussing and working on something like that.

My friend lost their credit card at a bar, they are under 21. Someone tried to use the credit card after they called to report it lost. The ...


My friend lost their credit card at a bar, they are under 21. Someone tried to use the credit card after they called to report it lost. The bartender called the police, the thief was arrested. Is my friend who is under 21, who is the owner of the credit card, going to get in trouble for being at a bar under 21?


If someone files charges and can prove that he had alcohol

I was sent to a workers comp. doctor for an exam. while doing the exam he took hold of my left elbow while siting on the rolling chair and w...


I was sent to a workers comp. doctor for an exam. while doing the exam he took hold of my left elbow while siting on the rolling chair and wanted me to walk on my tip toes which causes me to krill my foot over. while walking to the car my left foot was hurting very badly. I stayed off my foot thinking it would get better, but it did not. I called the doctors office to see what I could do for my foot and was told he didn't mean to do that and he could not do anything to treat my foot because he was hired by workers comp. I went to an orthopedic dr. who sent me to physical therapy. It did not help very much. The Dr. said that I had arthritis and I would have to live with it. So I went to the arthritis dr. telling about the foot pain that was going all the way up my foot and it was making my back hurt more than it already did . During the exam she told me the pain was going from my back to my foot and that she thinks I have a pinched nerve. I went to my orthopedic doctor that has been treating me since 8 0f 2006 for a fall at work in which I shattered my right elbow(which the Dr. put a prosthetic joint), caused adhesive capsulitis to right shoulder, right brachial plexus injury, lumbar sprain which they say should be healed by now but I have always had problems with since the fall, left elbow medial and lateral epicondylitis because having to use my left arm so much. I have had 5 eperdials from may 2013 t0 December 2013 . I saw. the worker comp. dr. in June 2012. My orthopedic Dr. did an mri which showed I do have a pinched nerve, but workers comp. denied the treatment for the back. I do not think I should not have to pay for all the treatment that I had done and I going to have to have more. Is there anything that I can do to make worker comp. or the workers comp. Dr. to be held liable for this. Thank you Doris


You should contact a qualified workers' compensation attorney. If you don't have access to one, give us a call at 216-241-2510 and we can recommend one.

I have a Final Order that has just been transferred from Florida to Virginia after two years of residence. I am listed as the parent with so...


I have a Final Order that has just been transferred from Florida to Virginia after two years of residence. I am listed as the parent with sole parental responsibility. The father has some visitation but is required to pay for all travel costs incurred with visitation to and from. I am inquiring about moving out of state and would like to explore my options and what needs or can be done. Can I move out of state without his consent? Can he contest and stop me from moving out of state?


Without seeing any of the paperwork, I believe you will be required to give the father 30 days advance notice of you intent to move. He will then have the right to challenge your taking the child(ren) with you; he cannot prevent the move but he can argue that the move is not in the best interests of the child(ren) and request custody.

if I own three properties with liens can they be taken on a judgement in texas


if I own three properties with liens can they be taken on a judgement in texas


We need a lot more information.

By "properties," are you referring to REAL ESTATE?

Are any of the "properties" your homestead?

The short answer to your question is: Yes.

Docket EntrySet on (Temporary Orders Hearing) docket, Pass... then the judges initialswhat does this entry mean in Brazoria county texas? th...


Docket Entry

Set on (Temporary Orders Hearing) docket, Pass... then the judges initials

what does this entry mean in Brazoria county texas? thank you


The hearing was "passed" - means it did not occur.

You need to talk to a family law attorney about your case.

I recommend attorney Patricia Bushman at 713-807-9405.

I rent space in her office.

Or look on for an attorney.

I was injured at a restaurant a few years ago. I contacted an attorney and he took my case to court. We won, the other side didn't show up. ...


I was injured at a restaurant a few years ago. I contacted an attorney and he took my case to court. We won, the other side didn't show up. Now that attorney won't do anything else to help me get a settlement.

My question is, can I hire another attorney so that I can finish with this case?

Thank you for your response.

Georgianne Villarin


You can hire another attorney at any time you want. What any attorney is going to want is to see the retainer with the original case, and whether or not the defendant had insurance. It is not clear whether there is an unpaid judgment that needs to be collected, or the attorney took the money and did not give you your portion.


If you won a default judgment, then there is no need for a settlement. Instead, you need to collect the judgment you already won. Collection work is different from litigation, and it may not be covered by your contract with the original lawyer. It's also possible that the lawyer does not believe the judgment is collectible, though if that's why he stopped working on the case he should have told you so.

As Mr. Roach says, you can hire another lawyer to try to collect the judgment. She will want to see prior counsel's file and figure out how both she and her predecessor can get paid. That's perfectly normal.

Good luck.


Yes you can hire a new attorney. The new attorney will have to share the fee with the first attorney. Most fee agreements provide that the attorney is not required to collect on a judgment, but may sub out of a case in any event,


You already have a judgment, you aren't now seeking a 'settlement' but rather to collect on the judgment. Provide the new attorney a copy of your original retainer agreement so he can work out any fee payment or split required, before he accepts your case.


I would ask your original attorney for your entire file. He or she has an ethical duty to give it to you. When you go to see another attorney, bring the file so that you can get informed answers from the new attorney. Without the file, he or she will not know exactly what has been done to perfect the judgment. If the original attorney refuses to give you the file, mention politely that you may have to ask the State Bar for assistance. The file will be provided.

Hello!!! I have a friend who lives in independence Missouri who is 6 mo pregnant and going through a divorce. She has an ex Parte order of p...


Hello!!! I have a friend who lives in independence Missouri who is 6 mo pregnant and going through a divorce. She has an ex Parte order of protection against the husband who was arrested for domestic battery!! She is scared he will retaliate against her for this and wants to go back to Indiana where she is from with her family to have the baby! She has been awarded custody of their 2yr old and the home she resides in pending the divorce hearing. There is supervised visitation set up on the 2yr old!! How can she go about having the baby in Indiana? Thanks.


Your question assumes that the husband is our would be opposed to the move. Assuming he does the simplest ways to move are to Dismiss the Missouri divorce case, move to In and refile when she can there. Married people can move, while divorcing parents have to follow criteria. Obviously, your friend has addressed these issues with the attorney representing her in the divorce. If she doesn't have counsel, you as he friend, can help her get one.

Good luck

How do I void a will in PA without writing another one? It was done through a lawyer so I believe he register it in the court house. I would...


How do I void a will in PA without writing another one? It was done through a lawyer so I believe he register it in the court house. I would like to do a living revocable trust instead.


(Buzzer sound) wrong! Just because a will was drafted by an attorney does not mean it was filed at the courthouse. Unless the county where you reside allows wills to be filed for safekeeping, wills are never filed until such time as a person dies.

Before you rip up your will, understand that you will still need a will with a revocable living trust. It will be a different kind of will called a "pour-over" will.

Since you are going to have a revocable living trust drafted, then I assume that you will have it done by a lawyer. When the lawyer drafts the new revocable living trust and pour over will for you the new will should contain a clause in it that says "I hereby revoke all prior wills ..." or something like that.

Other ways you can revoke a will are to tear it up, obliterate it, cross it out, draw a line through the pages or burn it.

Before you go through this exercise, exactly why do you want a revocable living trust? Do you have more than $5 million in assets? Do you own multiple real properties or real property in several states? In such case you probably should have a trust. If not, then why have a trust? You have not gone to one of those hotel ballroom seminars have you? These trust packages are put out by trust mills and may or may not be drafted by a PA lawyer. You will be throwing your money away if you are going down this road.

A revocable living trust will not dispense with you having a will or even a need for probate and it may not even avoid inheritance tax.

You really need to discuss this with an experienced PA estate & trust lawyer.

in a divorce could the courts award my ex wife the house ?we both want it keep in mind she has temporary custody of our son


in a divorce could the courts award my ex wife the house ?we both want it keep in mind she has temporary custody of our son


House will be divided in accordance with California community property law. More details are required to determine the nature and relationship of the property ownership between spouses. Please meet with an experienced family law attorney to explore your legal options.

Are public agencies (i.e. the building department itself) required to obtain building permits for work done to their own building?


Are public agencies (i.e. the building department itself) required to obtain building permits for work done to their own building?


No, because the building department is part of the public works department in most jurisdictions. In most jurisdictions none of the public works by any agency require permits if the agency doing the construction is part of the same government entity that the building department is part of. So for example the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Authority doesn't need S.F. Building Dept. permits for transit related construction. Also, superior entities generally do not have to obtain permits from inferior agencies. So CalTrans does not have to obtain permits from local building departments for roads and bridges, although you would have to get one to build a bridge over a creek for a driveway, for example. Whether equal entities have to obtain permits for construction when they build outside their jurisdiction is sometimes disputed. For example, SFO, which is owned and operated by the City and County of San Francisco insists that it does not have to obtain building permits from the cities of Milbrae or South San Francisco even for work on perimeter buildings that are within those cities' borders, but the cities sometimes try to push that issue.

How can a respondent amend a plenary order of protection if petitioner leaves state with kids


How can a respondent amend a plenary order of protection if petitioner leaves state with kids


Go to court on motion and give notice as best you can.

is it legal for my sister who is caring for our mother to deed her house over to herself?


is it legal for my sister who is caring for our mother to deed her house over to herself?


Unless she is the owner, a deed from your sister is of no value. If tyour mother decides to sign a deed she can give the home to anyone she wants to. Is your mother competent? Does she know what she is doing? Are you suspicious of some type of undue influence. These are all thisng you may want to discuss with counsel.


Of course not. Only the title holder / owner can 'deed' the property to someone else. That means your mother would have to 'deed' it to the sister, but she can do so 'legally'

only if she is mentally competent and not under duress or undue influence. It sounds like possible improper behavior and elder abuse/fraud that should be investigated. If serious about hiring counsel to help in this, and if this is in SoCal courts, feel free to contact me.


I'm more inclined to go with Mr. Nelson's answer. The correct answer depends upon whether the sister has any authority to execute a deed to transfer property of which she isn't the owner. Usually, one cannot transfer someone else's property, period. Remember the old saying, "He who sells what isn't his'n, must buy it back or go to prison." However, in some cases, another person is cloaked with legal authority to manage the affairs or deal with someone's property. This can be done via a properly-executed power of attorney, or by a court-approved and court-supervised conservatorship. You don't tell us whether your sister was acting as a conservator or under a power of attorney. This could be controlling on whether the making of the deed was proper or a fraud.

I have a trial date for tomorow. Its for 11550. Me and a friend of mine was in front of his house talkin. A police car drives pass us. We st...


I have a trial date for tomorow. Its for 11550. Me and a friend of mine was in front of his house talkin. A police car drives pass us. We started walking down the street

(not because of him) and he had turned around and came back and pulls up on us. I TELL MY FRIEND TO KEEP WALKIN WITH ME WE DONE NOTHING SO WE DONT HAVE TO STOP. I keep walking and my friend stops and talks to my friend. I asked him what he said and he he said he just wanted to compliment him on his jersey. the jersey was nothin special silver with black number on it.When he drove off he passes me and he lookin at me smiling. It was the same cop that arrested me and will be at my trial. Two days ago he passes by me and he makes a u turn and when he passes me he gave me some kind of hand jesture and drove off. I dont know what it meant. When he arrested me he did alot of lying and manipulation and he put it in the police report. My pd just wants to railroad me. I had him request the police audio and video 3 months ago we still havent recieved it. I havent talk to my pd either except once i called him and he told me we havent recieved it. So tomorow i go to court with nothing to defend my self with . I tried firing my pd the first day i m et him and he tells i cant and he s my pd and that s it. So its just basicly its PEOPLE WHO WORK FOR THE PUBLIC IN THE PUBLICS INTREST TRYING TO SCREW OVER THE PUBLIC for their own agenda. Unbelievable. I know iam the benificiary in the court system and the judge and da are the trustees but i dont want to have to go there cuz its just going to be a hassel. Anyways My question is the officer is trying to do some type of intimidation i believe so he doesnt make him and the department look bad because of his behavior. He knows i can proove it. Your thoughts would be appreciated.


Yes, he may be trying to intimidate you, but what he is doing is not illegal. You are doing the right thing by not talking to him. Just keep ignoring him.

You have not asked about the public defender. But he is wrong. While you cannot fire him, you may make a Marsden motion before the court and ask the court to appoint someone else, not from his office.

Can a court put a no contact order between me and my girlfriend for a false dv assault even though we both deny an assault ever occurred and...


Can a court put a no contact order between me and my girlfriend for a false dv assault even though we both deny an assault ever occurred and neither asked for a no contact order


Yes. If the court believes probable cause exists to support the charge, they will usually issue a no-contact order. It will usually stay in place until the case is dismissed, or in the case of a conviction until the defendant is in a treatment program and the named victim requests it.

One reason for all this is that sometimes true crime victims, especially in the domestic violence area, later recant their accusations for a variety of reasons. Judges worry that victims are being manipulated or wrongly influenced, and if they lift the no contact order they may expose a true DV victim to further abuse.

My Apartment Management is demanding a "30-day Notice to Vacate" today 7 months ahead of the expected moveout date in order to process an ap...


My Apartment Management is demanding a "30-day Notice to Vacate" today 7 months ahead of the expected moveout date in order to process an apartment transfer. I am supposed to transfer to a new apartment (an extension of the current building) under the same management, which is currently being built, but it will not be available until 6.5 months from now (hence my expected move-in date being 7 months from now). Since the new apartment is not even finished being built as yet and since, there is no guarantee that the apartment will be ready in time for me to move in by the vacate date that they are asking me to submit. Is there any way I can avoid having to sign this notice to vacate? I don't want to be caught in the middle with nowhere to live.


It sounds as if these folks want you to do something for THEIR convenience because they didn't plan ahead.

Start putting your communications IN WRITING. No phone calls or emails. Write a letter to them (postage is now 48 cents) that says: "I understand that you want me to move out. I am reluctant to do so without written assurance from you that the new premises will be ready as promised. Please provide a letter of guarantee, to include a guarantee that you will cover my moving expenses, which I expect to be approximately $X; otherwise, since I have a valid lease to live here where I am, I will continue to live here."

My in laws passed away and I inherited some property from their Irrevocable trust. My name was misspelled by the lawyer and he said it did n...


My in laws passed away and I inherited some property from their Irrevocable trust. My name was misspelled by the lawyer and he said it did not matter. The inheritance is now in an irrevocable trust in my misspelled name. I am trying to sell one of the properties and the Title people are questioning the trust. The lawyer who caused this typo, says the name can not be changed. This can not be right, is it?


Courts have the power to correct a mistake, even in an irrevocable trust,so long as the intent of the trust will be protected by the correction.

can a person be sued successfully if they cannot be served?


can a person be sued successfully if they cannot be served?


If you cannot find them you can ask the. Court to allow substituted service

If a motion to quash is granted, but then the charges are refiled can all the old testimony, evidence, and witnesses be used in the new case?


If a motion to quash is granted, but then the charges are refiled can all the old testimony, evidence, and witnesses be used in the new case?


In some ways. It could be used to refresh a witness's memory or impeach them. It could possibly be used at trial if one of the witnesses becomes "unavailable" as defined by the rules of evidence.

In 2003 I was being deployed and going through a divorce at the same time. To end the divorce quickly I agreed to sign off the deed of the h...

I have a question about billable hours as a lawyer, and I'm not sure where else to turn. I'd like to know what to do if I've been given a mo...


I have a question about billable hours as a lawyer, and I'm not sure where else to turn. I'd like to know what to do if I've been given a monthly requirement, yet am not given enough work to meet that requirement.

I have been at this firm for about six months now. My firm requires a total of 200 billable hours per month. I don't have any problem with this workload, but I often sit at my desk without anything to do, and without any way to amass hours. I've spoken to several partners about the fact that I would like more work, and I am occasionally thrown a few bones, but never anything substantial. I still don't have a case load, as every case I work on is still assigned to one of the partners. Furthermore, I am lucky if I get one court appearance per week. Several partners, including the managing partner, have basically told me to fudge up whatever hours, wherever I can.

I definitely believe that this firm did not need a new associate. Now I am just stuck between a rock and a hard place, as I can't be without a job (yes, student loans...), but I don't want to just frivolously bill for an exorbitant amount of time that I haven't worked. I have not hit my required monthly hours since working here. I am vigorously looking for a new job, but in the meantime, I'm not sure how to deal with my billable hours situation, from either an ethical, or job stability standpoint. And advice on the situation would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!


The issue of job stability is paramount to every employee and your concerns are well justified. There are, however, a couple of things to remember and at least one thing to do:

You should keep in mind that NY is a 'work at will' state, which means that, generally speaking, you can quit at anytime and at the same time your employer can dismiss you at any time and for any reason (provided the dismissal is not discriminatory or otherwise illegal). This means that one's job is almost always subject to change. Unless one has an employment agreement that guarantees certain payment or work term, one is an employee at will. It is possible that the firm made a mistake and hired an associate when it does not have enough work. That is the firm's prerogative. If the uncertainty is too difficult to bear, then you do have the choice to look for work with a busier firm.

As far as ethics, you can call up the ethics hotline of your local bar association and inquire, though it's unclear what ethical issues there are and what the firm is doing wrong.

There is at least one thing you can do and that is seek clients yourself. Instead of sitting idle figure out ways to bring in clients to the firm. I can assure you that your value as a rain making associate will be much greater than your value just as an associate.

I assume you are a young attorney and I highly recommend that you join the young attorney section of your local bar association. You will likely find many other folks with similar concerns.

Good luck!

Disclaimer: This post has been written for educational purposes only and was not meant to be legal advice and should not be construed as legal advice or be relied upon. No intention exists to create an attorney-client relationship or any other special relationship or privilege through this post. The post may contain errors, inaccuracies and/or omissions. You should always consult an attorney admitted to practice in your jurisdiction for specific advice. This post may be deemed as Attorney Advertising.

I had a 5 year lease on software with a company that went bankrupt. I can no longer use the service/software since the company went out of b...


I had a 5 year lease on software with a company that went bankrupt. I can no longer use the service/software since the company went out of business. Should I still be paying them for a service that I am not receiving. Also, who is the money going to since the company is no longer in business?


If they can no longer license the software to you, your obligation to pay has probably ended.! But, just because they are in bankruptcy, don't assume that they're out of business. If you are required to keep paying, depending upon which bankruptcy chapter they're in, the money is likely going to the trustee.

Good luck

Can a lawyer harass you about two weeks rent at the end of the month before when your rent is not due until the 16th


Can a lawyer harass you about two weeks rent at the end of the month before when your rent is not due until the 16th


Debt collectors have to follow statutory rules. If they don't abide by them, then you have claims you can make. Seek legal advice from a debt defense attorney

If I am the Administer of the Estate for a deceased person and I sign a Modification on behalf of the deceased to reduce the interest rate o...


If I am the Administer of the Estate for a deceased person and I sign a Modification on behalf of the deceased to reduce the interest rate on a current home loan that is past due will I be held liable for the loan?


Signing a modification on behalf of the estate will not make you personally liable for the home loan. Only the original parties to the Note and Mortgage will be liable.


I agree with attorney Goldberg; however, based on your question, it appears an estate has not been opened and that an attorney is not representing you as the administrator because this is a question you should ask your attorney. Have you opened an estate? If no, then you are not the administrator because an administrator is a person who has been appointed by the Court. If an estate has not been opened, you will not be signing the modification on behalf of the estate and yes, the bank will try to hold you personally liable. If you have any other questions, I can be reached at 312-372-5600.


If you have been issued "letters of administration" by the probate court, you should get a court order approving what you're doing. If you have NOT been issued "letters of administration", time to do so. Especially if you have no surety on your bond.

How do you file for child abandonment in Dallas County Texas? My daughter's biological father has not seen her in almost three years, nor pa...


How do you file for child abandonment in Dallas County Texas? My daughter's biological father has not seen her in almost three years, nor paid child support for a year and nine months. I want to file child abandonment and have his rights terminated.


You need to talk to an experienced family law attorney in your county. Take the current court orders to an attorney and let them review them.

Terminating a person's parental rights is not easy. If you were to die then the child would be an orphan.

Is there another man willing to step into his shoes as "daddy"? If so, a termination and step-parent adoption is a possibility.

Look on this website and on for an attorney to help you.

I've addressed this issue on my blog several years ago. You can try to read it.

Parental rights are taken very seriously and judges do not easily grant this type of lawsuit.

Good luck!

Merry Christmas!

I asked the judge for a continuance so i could get council. i got denied a continuance due to the fact that i did not call ahead of time and...


I asked the judge for a continuance so i could get council. i got denied a continuance due to the fact that i did not call ahead of time and the police officer was already in the court room. i was found guilty of the charge. is there anything i can do at this point? it was a driving on suspended for a charged that i was found not guilty of.


You can file a motion in arrest of judgment and a notice of appeal. However, if you were sentenced immediately, you waived the motion in arrest of judgment.

Here's a link that has a very good discussion of the appeals process and the time lines involved.

However, the fact that you were found not guilty of whatever charge caused your license to be suspended may not eradicate the suspension. That's the hurdle you must get over.

can i say someone is mean


can i say someone is mean


I do not see a problem as stated.

Hello, My name is Steven Kulick and I have a question regarding the state of Virginia Requiring me to pay into my own retirement when I was ...



My name is Steven Kulick and I have a question regarding the state of Virginia Requiring me to pay into my own retirement when I was hired 10 years ago and was not hired under those terms. We just recently were granted a 5% pay increase and they took every ones increase and forced us to pay into the retirement system. I NEVER SIGNED A WAIVER, AN AGREEMENT NOR VERBALY AGREED TO THIS FORCED POLICY. I was not hired under this agreement nor was I informed of it until this took place. is this legal on behalf of the state and all of its employees, or should this only affected the new hires?


Yes, it's unlikely(in my opinion) that the Commonwealth would take such sweeping action affecting compensation and benefits in regard to all of its current employees were such action at odds with current law governing such matters, but you might want to take up this issue with your state employees union representative to make sure such in fact is the case.

how many days does the law have to charge me on a paraphanaila


how many days does the law have to charge me on a paraphanaila


They have 365, it could be done up to 730 (or more) in some circumstances.

Good luck

My boyfriends house is in trust for him and his sister. We have been together five years, and have been living in the house for two. He is n...


My boyfriends house is in trust for him and his sister. We have been together five years, and have been living in the house for two. He is not in good health. My question is: if he dies, since I am the sole beneficiary of all of his assets and finances, would his half of the house go to me?


It depends upon the terms of the trust, which I have not read. If the trust states that beneficial ownership follows his Will, you might inherit his share. On the other hand, if it says it only goes to his children and if there be none to his sister, you might not get anything. Of course, if you were married and it was the marital residence, you might be able to continue to live there. Then there are quetions of who pays the bills, like taxes, fire insurance, repairs and maintenance. These answers may also come into play also. There is no simple answer.

I have a cousin who lives in Illinois. She has MS and hs been placed on Medicaid after a lifetime of working. She has brain lesions and has ...


I have a cousin who lives in Illinois. She has MS and hs been placed on Medicaid after a lifetime of working. She has brain lesions and has been MISplaced in a psychiatric hospital. She needs skilled nursing. Does Medicaid have an ombudsman or is there some placement dispute organization that advocated for patients in Illinois? Where should her sister go to have this addressed?


Nobody will deal with the sister without the sister's having legal authority, and with the cousin being an adult the relationship is not enough on its own especially when it comes to Medicaid. That program is really just a payer program; it makes NO medical decisions. All it does is decide if a particular health care option is covered, and if so, will pay for it up to various limits similar to any "insurance" program.

The cousin is clearly an adult, and if she is decisional, she is the only person who can make decisions. If the cousin is NOT decisional, it all depends on who her legal guardian is. It could be a public guardian that the hospital got appointed to make decisions, which is most likely the case, or possibly another family member or third party has a health care power of attorney.

The sister should start by contacting the hospital and finding out whether there is a guardian or power of attorney. If the cousin was admitted as decisional but is now NOT decisional, the sister may be able to intercede but there is a court process.

Friday, February 27, 2015

I came to the us legally but overstayed visa. I have been without a visa for 12 years now. I want to go back to the Netherlands but do want ...


I came to the us legally but overstayed visa. I have been without a visa for 12 years now. I want to go back to the Netherlands but do want to come back because my parents and brother and sister live here. How long will I be banned? Would I be able to come back for an emergency like something happened to a parent?


If you leave the United States now, you will be barred for 10 years from re-entry. I doubt you would be eligible to be "paroled in" for an emergency under the circumstances,

My former fiance home was going into a foreclosure auction, but pulled this week, located in Boynton Beach, FL . It seems the RE Broker, who...

I received a judgement against me from capital one in the amount of 1700. My ex fiancee was to pay for it. Its been 9 years and i just found...


I received a judgement against me from capital one in the amount of 1700. My ex fiancee was to pay for it. Its been 9 years and i just found out she never paid it. What can i do to fix this mess? Sincerely kali.


Unless there is a written agreement between you and your ex-fiancee, you may be out of luck. If you are on the promissory note with Capital One, you are obligated to pay.

whta do you do about a judgement against my license its over 20 years old and all parties but me are dead


whta do you do about a judgement against my license its over 20 years old and all parties but me are dead


There are special procedures for this scenario. I am able to help.

Call my cell 215 370 2608

Web site

[email protected]/* */

Best wishes,


If you have other debt you can file for Bankruptcy to void the judgment. Once the judgment is voided then you can get your license back (assuming there is no other reason that it is suspended). If you want, call my office for a free consultation at 215-639-5297.

How can I protect my family assets when I have a reckless young adult (19) living at home. I'm afraid that he may do something that may caus...


How can I protect my family assets when I have a reckless young adult (19) living at home. I'm afraid that he may do something that may cause my husband and I to be sued.


The young adult unless he does reckless things on your property is generally on his own. You need to make sure you protect your property and what he does at home to ensure reasonableness.

I received a letter saying I am a beneficiary but I'm not mentioned in the trust that came with the letter and that I should sign this lette...


I received a letter saying I am a beneficiary but I'm not mentioned in the trust that came with the letter and that I should sign this letter to waive my rights to contest the trust. Why would I get a letter to sign away my rights to contest a trust if I'm not in fact already a beneficiary and entailed to an inheritance?


Advise you obtain the services of a probate/trust litigation attorney to represent you to and conduct an investigation as to whether you are entitled to benefits of a trust. The contents of the letter sounds suspicious as being potentially fruadulent request.

I worked for a society (agent) and we are facing litigation on a copyright infringement issue. Their by-laws follow. Does this mean they wil...


I worked for a society (agent) and we are facing litigation on a copyright infringement issue. Their by-laws follow. Does this mean they will pay for my legal expenses?



SECTION 1. The Society may indemnify any person who was or is a party, or is threatened to be made a party, to any threatened, pending or completed action, suit or proceeding, whether civil, criminal, administrative or investigative (other than an action by or in the right of the Society) by reason of the fact that such person is or was a Director, Officer, employee or agent of the Society, or who is or was serving at the request of the Society as a Director, Officer, employee or agent of another corporation, partnership, joint venture, trust or other enterprise, against expenses (including attorneys' fees), judgments, fines and amounts paid in settlement actually and reasonably incurred by such person in connection with such action, suit or proceeding, if such person acted in good faith and in a manner such person reasonably believed to be in, or not opposed to, the best interests of the Society, and, with respect to any criminal action or proceeding, had no reasonable termination of any action, suit or proceeding by judgment, order, settlement, conviction, or upon a plea of nolo contendere or its equivalent, shall not, of itself, create a manner which such person reasonably believed to be in or not opposed to the best interests of the Society, and, with respect to any criminal action or proceeding, had reasonable cause to believe that such conduct was unlawful.

SECTION 2. The Society may indemnify any person who was or is a party, or is threatened to be made a party, to any threatened, pending or completed action or suit by or in the right of the Society to procure a judgment in its favor by reason of the fact that such person is or was a Director, Officer, employee or agent of the Society, or is or was serving at the request of the Society as a Director, Officer, employee or agent of another corporation, partnership, joint venture, trust or other enterprise, against expenses (including attorneys' fees) actually and reasonably incurred by such person in connection with the defense or settlement of such action or suit, if such person acted in good faith and in a manner such person reasonably believed to be in, or not opposed to, the best interests of the Society, and except that no indemnification shall be made in respect of any claim, issue or matter as to which such person shall have been adjudged to be liable for negligence or misconduct in the performance of his duty to the Society, unless, and only to the extent that the court in which such action or suit was brought shall determine upon application that, despite the adjudication of liability, but in view of all the circumstances of the case, such person is fairly and reasonably entitled to indemnity for such expenses as the court shall deem proper.

SECTION 3. To the extent that a Director, Officer, employee or agent of the Society has been successful, on the merits or otherwise, in the defense of any action, suit or proceeding referred to in Sections 1 and 2 of this Article VII, or in defense of any claim, issue or matter therein, such person shall be indemnified against expenses (including attorneys' fees) actually and reasonably incurred by such person in connection therewith.

SECTION 4. Any indemnification under Sections 1 and 2 of this Article VII (unless ordered by a court) shall be made by the Society only as authorized in the specific case, upon a determination that indemnification of the Director, Officer, employee or agent is proper in the circumstances because such person has met the applicable standards of conduct set forth in Sections 1 and 2 of this Article VII. Such determination shall be made (i) by the Board of Directors by a majority vote of a quorum consisting of Directors who were not parties to such action, suit or proceeding, or (ii) if such a quorum is not obtainable, or, even if obtainable, a quorum of disinterested Directors so directs, by independent legal counsel in a written opinion.

SECTION 5. Expenses incurred in defending a civil or criminal action, suit or proceeding may be paid by the Society in advance of the final disposition of such action, suit or proceeding, as authorized by the Board of Directors in the specific case, upon receipt of an undertaking by or on behalf of the Director, Officer, employee or agent to repay such amount, unless it shall ultimately be determined that such person is entitled to be indemnified by the Society as authorized in this Article VII. SECTION 6. The indemnification provided by this Article VII shall not be deemed exclusive of any other rights to which those seeking indemnification may be entitled under any By-Law, agreement, vote of disinterested Directors, or otherwise, both as to action in such person's official capacity and as to action in another capacity while holding such office, and shall continue s to a person who has ceased to be a Director, Officer, employee or agent, and shall inure to the benefit of the heirs, executors and administrators of such a person.


Apparently, only if either (a) you win the case or (b) you lose and the Bd of Dir. of the Society votes to indemnify you.

I am in MA. I owe my ex-husband a settlement on my house. It is due in 2 years. I will not be able to pay it in full. Is it possible to get ...


I am in MA. I owe my ex-husband a settlement on my house. It is due in 2 years. I will not be able to pay it in full. Is it possible to get the terms changed?


No, you generally cannot change property division terms. You can try to work something out with him outside of court to prevent him from filing a complaint for contempt against you.


Thank you for your question.

I agree with the previous author that there is nothing you can do unilaterally to change the terms of your divorce agreement. You may be able to work something out voluntarily with the other party. It may be that you need more time, and it may be that a more creative solution is needed. If you do nothing, the other party will likely file a complaint for contempt and you will be defending yourself to a judge in court. Start working on a solution now.

My 14 year old son hit another boy in the face after an argument and knocked out a permanent tooth and had to get a few stitches. My son is ...


My 14 year old son hit another boy in the face after an argument and knocked out a permanent tooth and had to get a few stitches. My son is not the type to just hit someone and when asked,he broke down that this kid was threatening to harm and even "kill" him, so he got fed up and hit him. My son states that the other kid has told him clearly that he will get his older/gang member brother to hurt him. He have been having issues for 2 years with this boy and I have had a conversation with the principle before as the boys have had a mutual exchange of "words" more than once. However being that they both play on the football team together, it has gotten heated over the past weeks. My question is can I be held legally/financially responsible for the other boys bills? My son is being suspended for 3-5 days and will more than likely be removed from the school as he is on a permit from another school in the district. We are a low income family and this is effecting the entire family.


I'm afraid you can be. Unless your son was in imminent danger -- or at least seemed to be -- at the time of the fight, he had no right to hit the other boy. It sounds like he wasn't in that position. So unless there's more to the story, you're responsible for the medical bills up to a point. I'm not sure what that limit is offhand, but it is probably more than the bills for something like this.


Yes, parents are liable and responsible for the actions of their minor children. Whether they can successfully sue you and get a judgment depends upon all the facts and evidence. I suggest you try to 'reasonably' settle this to avoid litigation. And, teach the child how to behave and stay out of trouble to avoid legal problems in the future. He should also be concerned about them filing criminal charges for 'assault'.

The claimed spouse has changed the lock and garage door opener to the house of my deceased brother. His son has no key or access to the hous...


The claimed spouse has changed the lock and garage door opener to the house of my deceased brother. His son has no key or access to the house. Can she do that under probate ? My nephew has lived there way before her. He is the heir to my brother estate. But the step-mother refused to let him in the house. Is it lawfully wrong ?


You have not provide enough information to make a determination.

Did your brother and his wife own the house jointly? Did your brother own the house before he married the new wife? How do you know your nephew is the heir to your brothers estate? Did your brother have a trust or a will?

Assuming that the house belonged to your brother as his separate property, your nephew may have some rights to claim the house. I suspect that he will need to file a probate action to determine who is entitled to what.


Mr. Jordan is correct. In addition, you have now asked several questions that cannot even begin to be answered without knowing if there is an open probate, if so whether an administrator and if so who it is. If there is an administrator, they have extensive rights and powers unless challenged in the probate court.

Is it Normal for a Public Defender to not return calls not return emails for months not to tell you about your case when you have court hear...


Is it Normal for a Public Defender to not return calls not return emails for months not to tell you about your case when you have court hearing not to let you know whats going on even when you keep calling to have her inform you whats going on when your in jail just to wave your speedy trail and not ask you just do it and tell you to bad were going to do things my way


Normal, no.

My wife bumped the back of a man at a stop light. Police report was made officer said she was going less then 5 mph. Now the owner of the ca...


My wife bumped the back of a man at a stop light. Police report was made officer said she was going less then 5 mph. Now the owner of the car is telling her that there was just under $5oo dollars worth of damage, which I don't believe. What can we do to get to how much damage was actual done?


You and your wife should demand (subtly, of course) that the owner provide you with a written estimate of repairs needed to his vehicle. Also you should ask him to provide pictures of the damage so you can assess if it was consistent with the apparently minor wreck in which the parties were involved. If the owner refuses to provide any written documentation or pictures I would only pay money if the owner is willing to sign a release of all claims arising from the accident. Otherwise I would wait to see what he is going to do. One other thought is to report the accident to your wife's insurance company but if it truly is a minor accident I realize the concern of even apprising the ins co of a potential claim and what that may do to your wife's insurance rate. In the end you may want to consult with an attorney in person and obtain advice as to how to proceed.


If you are attempting to settle the matter out of court, simply ask the other driver to get 2 to 3 estimates from reputable repair shops. Generally, a fair settlement will be an amount between the lowest and highest estimate. If the other driver doesn't want to cooperate and you believe $500 is too much simply don't do anything - it will then be on the other driver to file suit and prove damages in court (assuming your insurance company doesn't make the decision for you). BTW $500 in damage is virtually nothing, you could hit a squirrel and do $500 or more in damage.

I am under 18 and i am in love with a man that is over 18.. we are more than 4 years apart. We understand he could get in trouble if we offi...


I am under 18 and i am in love with a man that is over 18.. we are more than 4 years apart. We understand he could get in trouble if we officially go out.. so do i have to get married to him. Are there other ways..i would love to get answers back. I am worried and so is he. We just want to be happy together.and i am adopted since i was 3 months old.. i am to scared to ask my step father .. he deals with law and could get my loved in in trouble


You don't state your actual age.

If you have sex with an adult, it could be statutory rape. If convicted he would then be a registered sex offender. Therefore, he has every right to be worried. In Texas, you cannot consent to sex and it is therefore considered "rape".

If you are under the age of 18, to get married you need parental consent. Texas Family Code Section 2.003 and Section 2.101. You can read it on-line for free.

If you are under the age of 16 you cannot get married in Texas. Section 2.102 TFC.

I have no idea what being adopted has to do with anything. Your legal parents are your parents.

I hope this answers your questions.


I agree with Fran. I suggest you wait a few years until you are of age. If he is not willing to wait, he is not worth marrying.

Driveway in Virginia, I purchased a home about 16 years ago. The property line on one side of the home runs directly down the center of the ...


Driveway in Virginia,

I purchased a home about 16 years ago. The property line on one side of the home runs directly down the center of the driveway. I park on my side but the neighbor also parks on my side and their side. I have asked him to move and he says no. He said I am not allowed to park behind him on my side. I want to put a nice white vinyl fence along the property line to beautify the property but have had no luck with the neighbor. Also the home next door is not in the neighbors name. They inherited it over 30 years ago and never titled it to them. Now what do I do. We need to park in the driveway with our vehicles but he refuses to move off our side of the driveway. Even said he would have me towed.


So, if necessary, have another survey done to establish exactly where the line

runs between these two properties and then, if you wish, put up your "nice white vinyl fence", making sure that all of it is on your property, or if you prefer to

do nothing after this resurvey is complete, you could then send written notice

to this neighbor, summarizing the results of this resurvey and with a warning that

henceforth he is not to park any of his vehicles on any part of your property or

they will be towed away.

And, if he should ignore your warning, then call for the tow trucks.(And, if that

doesn't work with this knucklehead, then consider erecting a couple of

no trespass signs and call the cops if he ignores them and continues to come onto your property for whatever reason.)

If I ask someone to stay off my property and they don't listen, that's trespassing, right? Do I need a court order to keep them off my prope...


If I ask someone to stay off my property and they don't listen, that's trespassing, right? Do I need a court order to keep them off my property?


Generally speaking it would be considered trespassing and you could call the police to have them removed or arrested. However, it is not always that easy. For example, some people may have the right to be on your property. Tenants, easement holders such as phone company, power company, road commission, etc. Family members or people who reside at your property and haven't been properly evicted may have a right to stay until eviction. Basically, more information is needed to give you a complete answer but you normally would not need a court order but if you felt you needed one, you may apply for a Personal Protection Order (PPO) or other court order restraining someone from entering your property. For that, I would suggest contacting a local attorney for guidance. Good luck!


As a general rule it is trespassing if you tell someone to get off your property and they do not. However, some people may have a legal right to be there whether you want them to be or not. A lot more information is needed about the specifics of your case before a proper answer can be given. If this person persists, is stalking you, or threatening you, you may want to file for a Personal Protection Order (PPO), which is like a restraining order, with the circuit court. You can always call the police if you believe someone is unlawfully trespassing on your property.

I live in Orange County, CA. I resigned from my position after two days of working. I did not request my final paycheck from my employer, no...


I live in Orange County, CA. I resigned from my position after two days of working. I did not request my final paycheck from my employer, nor was it ever offered to me. I sent a notice to my former employer of the situation on Feb. 9th, and I was told she held my paycheck in the store for two weeks after three days of my resignation because I never contacted her for it. My final day was on Dec. 28th, which allows them 3 days to pay me my final paycheck. I randomly received it in the mail on Feb. 10th, no previous attempts were made to collect it, which they could have sent to the labor commissioner or offered to me, but was not. Am I entitled to wait time, or not because I made no demand for my paycheck?


If you did not give at least 72 hours' notice, they had 72 hours after they knew you quit, to have your check ready AT the regular place of employment. You don't have to ask for it. If you can prove that they "willfully withheld" it beyond 72 hours, you are entitled to one day's pay for each day you had to wait - up to 30 days plus your attorneys' fees. If they had it ready for you to pick up within 72 hours of knowing you quit, you probably have a difficult case for waiting time penalties.

I have a close friend who is currently pregnant and wants to voluntary relinquish her parental rights. She confided to me that she and the f...


I have a close friend who is currently pregnant and wants to voluntary relinquish her parental rights. She confided to me that she and the father have 3 other children together and they simply cannot afford to take care of another child. They were even considering an abortion until I expressed my devotion towards the child. Together we all have discussed this and both of the parents are in agreement to relinquish their parental rights immediately after the child is born and allow me to adopt the child. What steps should we take to relinquish their rights and give me the rights to adopt the child in AL?


There are documents to be completed by all three parties. These documents are filed in the probate judge's office, where the entire adoption process takes place. I will be happy to answer any questions you have. My email is [email protected]/* */ and cell phone is 334-787-9119.

There are people buing the property behind mine and intendon useing a B.L.M. easement that passes through my property as a driveway can they...


There are people buing the property behind mine and intendon useing a B.L.M. easement that passes through my property as a driveway can they do that with out my permission. or should they build there own driveway?


That depends on the terms of the easement and the related title documents for both properties. Without reviewing those, it is not possible to answer whether they will have a right to use the easement or whether they would have to use other access to the property.


I agree with Mr. McCormick, but I add that a BLM easement is a term usually meaning an easement across public land for private owners to access their property. You don't own BLM land so it is difficult to see your objection given the limited information you have provided in your post.

Is there a way to appeal a district court decision in North Carolina? I was pretty much railroaded in the court room and I want to appeal th...


Is there a way to appeal a district court decision in North Carolina? I was pretty much railroaded in the court room and I want to appeal the decision


Absolutely...if this is a criminal case, it gets appealed to Superior Court.


If you know the U.S Constitution (and every citizen should) you know you are entitled to a trial by jury. But you didn't get that at district court - did you! Do you know why not? Because North Carolina is cheap!!!! Empaneling juries cost money and takes time, so NC gave the U.S. Constitution the finger and denied your constitutional right to a jury trial and let a judge decide your case. How does NC get away with this, you might ask? Because NC allows a right to appeal de novo (a completely new trial) to Superior court where you will get your Constitutional entitlement to a jury trial. So you do not need 'grounds' to appeal but generally you only have 10 days to give notice of appeal.

What do we need to do in order to sell some of our land in Davison county, nc?


What do we need to do in order to sell some of our land in Davison county, nc?


That's kind of a wide open question. Hire a real estate agent and find a buyer.

My sister, who lives in Virginia, broke her arm recently. She works in a dentist's office doing patient coordination and tech items, like x-...


My sister, who lives in Virginia, broke her arm recently. She works in a dentist's office doing patient coordination and tech items, like x-rays. She's able to perform her duties at about 90%. Every once in a while needing some help to life something heavy. She had about 5 more weeks left in her cast, but was fired today because they said she wasn't able to do her job. I know 90% is not 100% and I can understand that, but is there some recourse for her?


You need to repost this question. In the state section, put Virginia, not Georgia. In the zip code, put her zip code. Each state is different. You want an experienced lawyer who is licensed in Virginia to see the question and answer it.

can I give custody of my 17 year old boy to himself ?


can I give custody of my 17 year old boy to himself ?


No, but you can allow him a great deal of freedom, even allowing him to live on his own. Just remember that, until he is 18, you are ultimately responsible for making sure he is properly fed, clothed, healthy, etc. If you let him leave the house and he begins to starve, you would be responsible.


No. You are legally responsible for the minor until emancipation - age 18

I am the trustee for a testimonial trust for my deceased sister's 3 children when they turn 28. The first turns 28 next year, because he is ...


I am the trustee for a testimonial trust for my deceased sister's 3 children when they turn 28. The first turns 28 next year, because he is on Permanent Disability. I can not give the money to him or else the State of IN and SS will take all the money and he will lose his SS & Medicare. I understand there is some organization in IN that I can give the money to. Do you know how this is done?


You might be thinking of ARC of Indiana. Their HQ is in Indianapolis.


There are a number of such organizations, one of which is ARC. You should consult with an attorney who specializes in social security and estate matters to find the best organization to meet your needs.

Is it possible to file a complaint about the opposing party's attorney ( for instance that attorney's threatens and intimidates and also sta...


Is it possible to file a complaint about the opposing party's attorney ( for instance that attorney's threatens and intimidates and also states things to the judge about procedure that are evidently untrue, like that some forms were served when in the case file it is easy to see that is not the case). The judge just believes every word because of the firm.


You can file a complaint with the California State Bar if you think the attorney has violated the State Bar Act or the Rules of Professional Conduct. Making misleading statements to a court of law implicates both of these.

With respect to filing a new lawsuit, arguably, this attorney is the opposing party's attorney, and owes no duties to you.

What is the min. And max . Time frame a retailer such as walmart is required to hold onto video taoes of the parking lot if I was illegally ...


What is the min. And max . Time frame a retailer such as walmart is required to hold onto video taoes of the parking lot if I was illegally searched and arrested? BecAuse I have a paid for attorney who knew he had to get the videos for my trial and drug his feet and I just found out today that he was too late I. Requesting the tapes. Wzlmmart told him supposedly that they only hold the taoed for "x" amount of timem now what is my next recourse I can or should take ? It wasnt my fault he asked for them too late. Clearly I could have sued the sheriffs dept for illegal search and arrest but not now without the tapes


There is no minimum or maximum time. The tapes can be destroyed immediately. I would be surprized if the DA did not get the tapes. If so your attorney should be able to get them in discovery.

I'm the executor of my mothers estate her will sated to sell everything including the house problem is I've two siblings on the deed. Can I ...


I'm the executor of my mothers estate her will sated to sell everything including the house problem is I've two siblings on the deed. Can I force them to sell if the price is fair?


The only interest the Estate can sell is that which is owned by the decedent. The Estate cannot force anyone else who has an interest to sell. Seek legal advice to address your issue.

A lawsuit against me was recently dismissed without prejudice. I understand that the plaintiff is allowed six months in which to re-file the...


A lawsuit against me was recently dismissed without prejudice. I understand that the plaintiff is allowed six months in which to re-file the case.

What is the difference, practically speaking, between re-filing the dismissed case within six months and filing a new case on the same cause of action after six months? In this matter, the statute of limitations has run only two of its five years. In general, in a situation like this, would a plaintiff be allowed to re-bring this action anytime up to the end of the statute of limitations period or the end of the six-month window, whichever occurs later?

(If a case is dismissed without prejudice, can the six-month re-filing window potentially extend the statute of limitations period?)

Thank you.


In the situation described in which the plaintiff apparently non-suited

the initial case filing, as a practical matter, there should be no difference in terms of what the law requires between the two options referenced since the

statute of limitations is supposedly five years.

However, where the statute of limitations is only two years or even less such as

in defamation cases, the right of the plaintiff to refile within six months of the date of the nonsuit can be critical in preserving a valid statute of limitations for the matter, depending upon how much time has already elapsed in the case.

My wife recently passed away, and I'm now taking care of our three children. I have been raising the children for the last seven years (one ...


My wife recently passed away, and I'm now taking care of our three children. I have been raising the children for the last seven years (one biological and two not). The biological father of my (his biological) two children hasn't been paying child support. Do I have the right to ask for child support as the children's primary caretaker?


You need to see an attorney and get legal custody of the children. Talk to an attorney in your county about the cost of doing this. Good luck! I'm so sorry for your recent loss.



I agree that you need to get custody of the children. Normally when one biological parent dies the other biological parent takes custody. You may need to adopt these children.

I'm not sure about child support. Usually child support is payment from a non possessory parent to a possessory parent. Both parents have a duty to support the children however, the parent that the children spend the most time with is going to spend more money supporting them than the other parent. Hence the non possessory parent has a duty to pay child support.

As a stepparent who has not adopted the children you have no duty to support them. Hence under the family code, a court may not be able to order their father to pay child support to a stepparent.

However, you are performing a legal duty that the biological parent has. There may be a way under contract law that would permit you to seek compensation.

Tel a check is playing games with my checking account. They are denying checks now because a check was returned that the bank questioned the...


Tel a check is playing games with my checking account. They are denying checks now because a check was returned that the bank questioned the signature. We have very good credit rating, never bounced a check or late on bills. checks are being denied because they claim we have a low history of trust. Do I have any legal grounds for a law suit. WB


No, I don't believe so; on what legal theory would you ground your credible remedy? (Personally, I can't think of any other than to take your business elsewhere.)

A former tenant of ours filed a wrongful eviction lawsuit against us. Our insurance company appointed an attorney to defend us during the or...


A former tenant of ours filed a wrongful eviction lawsuit against us. Our insurance company appointed an attorney to defend us during the ordeal. It never went to trial, instead it was settled thru mediation for $50,000. However, our insurance company said it would only pitch in $25,000. We said we could contribute $10,000. They paid the whole amount but now our former insurance company is threatening us with a lawsuit if we don't pay them the remaining $15,000. What are our options?


You should contact an insurance coverage lawyer. This may be a legal malpractice case as well as an insurance bad faith case. Good luck.

I am in a roommate situation and the questions I have are about utilities. The water bill is under their name and all other bills (apart fro...


I am in a roommate situation and the questions I have are about utilities. The water bill is under their name and all other bills (apart from the rent) is only under my name. If I turn off a service that is in my name and my roommate is always late with payments can I get in trouble for that?


Many times the utility companies wont allow you to turn off necessary services in an apartment or house. If you are still present in the unit and obligated on the rental you don't really want to turn off necessary utilities either as it can cause problems in the unit, Seek some legal advice to ascertain what you want to do and how best to accomplish it.

I put my house up for sale 6+ months ago. Most people really loved our house after visiting, but we did not get a single offer until 2/06/20...


I put my house up for sale 6+ months ago. Most people really loved our house after visiting, but we did not get a single offer until 2/06/2014, 2 days before realtor representation was to expire. The realtor represented both buyer and seller with our permission. We countered 2-3 times and negotiated a an acceptable deal and both parties signed the residential property purchase agreement. The buyer submitted a $28,000 check for good faith money into an escrow account.

This last Monday, 2-24-2014, we were verbally notified that the buyer wants to withdraw from the sale and get the $28,000 back. All contingencies have expired without any buyer action although their was a walk-through inspection on 2-20-2014 by the buyer and his "handyman" or "contractor". 2-3 minor findings were mentioned, but the contractor thought the house was in very good shape.

The realtor told my wife that we should simply close escrow and return the $28,000 based on this reasoning:

1) Buyer's mother had intended to live with them. Since she had just suffered a major stoke, she won't be able to live in a 3 story house. Therefore, they are entitled to a free withdrawal. Our retort to the realtor is that we sympathize, but the terms of the formalized purchase agreement has precedence especially since the mother is not a princpal to the purchase or even mentioned. The realtor said that if we went to court, we would lose because California is a consumer-friendly state and that the terms and conditions of the Agreement are not taken literally. We pointed out to the realtor that we expect his company to represent our interests and to know that we are the damaged party in this business transaction. To inform the buyer of his obligation to continue with the purchase or forfeit the $28,000. To put in writing the buyer's intentions and to make a case to justify his actions within 24 hours.

We are a married couple with the husband in his 9th year of Parkinson's diagnoses. We have always been 100% accountable for all our liabilities and obligations. If the law and justice prevail, we will also.

Will we need a lawyer? If yes, how soon? What are my chances?


You don't need a lawyer to represent you yet, but you do need to consult with one right away. Your question uses terms that indicate you don't really understand the legal technicalities of the situation you are in. For example you say the realtor said you should "close escrow" and return the deposit. An escrow "closes" when the transaction goes through, not when it is cancelled. More importantly, you say the contingencies "expired." Contingencies do not expire. They are either removed or they are not. If the time for removing them has passed and they have not been removed, the buyer can still pull out based on the contingency. The seller's only option is to issue a demand for removal or cancellation of the contract. If all the contingencies have actually been removed using the proper forms, then and only then are the buyers obligated to go through with the transaction. So it appears you really need to bring your paperwork to someone, have them go over it and discuss it with you, and tell you what your legal rights and obligations are based on a full understanding of the status and history of the transaction. Hopefully a consultation like that, which would only cost a few hundred dollars, tops, will be sufficient. But if the dispute escalates, you will also already have a lawyer to help instead of having to scramble to find one if things get ugly.


I agree with Mr. McCormick. I think your gut instinct is correct, that the real estate agent is trying to make both sides happy, and may not have your best interest in mind. You do, however, mix up some legal terms. The significant issue that I see is whether or not the request to cancel is due to a failure to meet a contingency, which would not be grounds for a breach of contract. An attorney is going to have to review this transaction to properly advise you.

We live in California and I work for a private contractor for fedex. I gave my two week notice, as I am moving. I normally get paid a salary...


We live in California and I work for a private contractor for fedex. I gave my two week notice, as I am moving. I normally get paid a salary of $725 a week. My last paycheck consisted of a full 3 weeks. For the last 3 weeks they only paid my $422 a week. Can they legally cut my pay for my final check without notice?


No, not without your written authorization unless they cut your pay before you earned it. Call an employment law attorney to discuss. Many of us offer a free initial phone consultation.

How do I request a Jury for a misdemeanor in the state of California?


How do I request a Jury for a misdemeanor in the state of California?


You enter a not guilty plea and set it for trial. You do have the right to waive a jury trial and just have a judge hear the case. Don't.

But ... Your lawyer should be explaining this to you. You do have a lawyer, don't you? Please tell me you're not representing yourself when you could end up in jail.

I live in Maryland. A former roommate had a Peace Order served on me for sending him a lot of Text messages. They were non threatening and n...


I live in Maryland. A former roommate had a Peace Order served on me for sending him a lot of Text messages. They were non threatening and no threats were ever made.

He told the judge he felt harassed. Does there have to be a threat of harm in a Peace Order case ? He mentioned he sent copies of txt msgs to his sister but never elaborated why he felt threatened. I think he was paranoid. I think he filed this order on the advise of his law student roommates to be left alone but doesn't realize how this will effect my future.

I need to appeal because I could lose my job over this.


Normally the initial Peace Order is for 7 days, and then a second hearing is held so you can argue why the Order should not be entered. Get a lawyer.

Had a baby while in a marriage. Husband on birth cert but we are going thru divorce now. If we do paternity test and he is not the biologica...


Had a baby while in a marriage. Husband on birth cert but we are going thru divorce now. If we do paternity test and he is not the biological father does he still have right ?


Does the child have your soon-to-be-ex-husband's last name? How old is the "baby"? Who is the biological father? Does your soon-to-be-ex want to be a father? What is the best interest of the baby? My point: there are a lot of questions to be answered before someone can give you a helpful answer to your question. You should contact the Nevada State Bar (382-0504) and ask them to refer you to an attorney that practices in the area of family law. The attorney will be obligated to consult with you a substantially discounted rate.

I received a pot ticket on BLM (Bureau of Land Management) land in Colorado 4 years ago. Will this show on my background check?


I received a pot ticket on BLM (Bureau of Land Management) land in Colorado 4 years ago. Will this show on my background check?


Probably, although it depends exactly what the officer charged you with.

A little over a year ago me and my friend got pulled over in Texas, I handed her the drugs when I seen the cop,I was driving. They arrested ...


A little over a year ago me and my friend got pulled over in Texas, I handed her the drugs when I seen the cop,I was driving. They arrested her on drug charges I went free. She has court in a couple weeks is it possible for me to confess that the drugs were really mine and because my job I didn't want to get in trouble and they drop the charges on her? Or will both of us be charged or is it too late?


Anything is possible but if you have never been in trouble, they are not likely to help her. She was actually in possession of the drugs - they CAN prove the case on her. If they decided to accept your confession, they may proceed against both of you.

If you really want to try to help (and I say try because it may not work), talk with her lawyer. Be aware that you may only add yourself to the mix because she is technically guilty.

I was arrested on December 7th 2013 for Domestic assault battery Domestic abuse in front of a minor. My girlfriend dropped the charges. ...


I was arrested on December 7th 2013 for Domestic assault & battery & Domestic abuse in front of a minor. My girlfriend dropped the charges. I was in jail for 8 days when they told me to pack my things & they let me go. When being released I was not given any court information or nothing. I was simply released so we've figured nothing's come of it. A month later now I find out I have an outstanding warrant for my arrest & that the state filed criminal Domestic Assault & battery & In front of a minor charges on me at the end of December. There was no court date for me to attend to. They simply filed felony charges & a warrant was issued for me immediately after. Now why would they simply release me from jail, not give me any information and then WHAM I am being charged & served on a warrant with NO BAIL posted on the information as well. I am in Oklahoma County in Oklahoma city, Oklahoma. How is this even right? They can actually do this?


First of all, your girlfriend did not drop charges. There is no such thing. No citizen can file charges and no citizen can drop charges. A charge or charges get filed when a DA, or one of his assistants, goes down to the court clerk's office and files and Information against someone. The only way for that case to be dismissed is when the DA, or one of his assistants, goes down to the court clerks office and files a dismissal.

While it is unusual for a defendant to be released from jail and then have a case filed later, it is not unheard of. There can be various reasons why a case if filed later. The bottom line is that the DA has 3 years to file a case for domestic violence.

On the wedding day, the caterer calls saying some things had come up and she will have to charge $16 a plate in order to do the catering. Th...


On the wedding day, the caterer calls saying some things had come up and she will have to charge $16 a plate in order to do the catering. The bride agrees. Which is true?

A) The $16 is not enforceable because the 12 per plate was past consideration

B) $16 is not enforceable because of preexisting duty

C) $16 is enforceable if the reason for it was beyond caterer's control

D) $16 is enforceable if bride could have found another caterer before the wedding

E) $16 is not enforceable because it means the $12 was an illusory promise


Looks like a home work use question to me. Good luck


The correct answer if (F) -- Do your own homework.

I took out a loan with an online payday lender. I am not able to continue payments. What can they do if I dont make payments. How can I get ...


I took out a loan with an online payday lender. I am not able to continue payments. What can they do if I dont make payments. How can I get out of it?


Read this article I wrote at

Payday loans are unlawful in PA unless: (a) the lender registers to do business in PA OR (b) the lender charges no more than 6% interest.

Most of the payday lenders do not find it profitable to comply with the law. You are obligated to repay what you borrowed plus 6% interest if the lender is not registered. Contact the PA banking department to see if the lender is registered. My guess is they are not.

You probably have already repaid the principal plus 6% interest but make sure.

Close your bank account tomorrow so that further drafts by the lender cannot be taken. You have to close the account; putting a stop payment or withdrawing authorization is not enough because the lender will use the ACH process to raid your account.

If you have paid already, then you can write to the lender (if you can get a valid US address) advising them that they have not complied with PA law, that they are limited to collecting the principal plus 6% interest and that you have repaid and not to bother you or take adverse action on your credit or you will report them to the PA banking department (which is already in litigation with Western Sky/Cashcall/Delbert). If you have not paid in full, start saving up your funds and when you have saved the principal plus 6% then you can offer to pay this and be done provided you get a settlement letter (you want all of this in writing). If the lender refuses, then don't pay.

Its very unlikely that the lender will sue in PA especially if the lender is violating the law..