Friday, February 27, 2015

I am under 18 and i am in love with a man that is over 18.. we are more than 4 years apart. We understand he could get in trouble if we offi...


I am under 18 and i am in love with a man that is over 18.. we are more than 4 years apart. We understand he could get in trouble if we officially go out.. so do i have to get married to him. Are there other ways..i would love to get answers back. I am worried and so is he. We just want to be happy together.and i am adopted since i was 3 months old.. i am to scared to ask my step father .. he deals with law and could get my loved in in trouble


You don't state your actual age.

If you have sex with an adult, it could be statutory rape. If convicted he would then be a registered sex offender. Therefore, he has every right to be worried. In Texas, you cannot consent to sex and it is therefore considered "rape".

If you are under the age of 18, to get married you need parental consent. Texas Family Code Section 2.003 and Section 2.101. You can read it on-line for free.

If you are under the age of 16 you cannot get married in Texas. Section 2.102 TFC.

I have no idea what being adopted has to do with anything. Your legal parents are your parents.

I hope this answers your questions.


I agree with Fran. I suggest you wait a few years until you are of age. If he is not willing to wait, he is not worth marrying.

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