Saturday, February 28, 2015

My husband and I come from large families. I reside in NY. I have always watched my relatives children for the past 15 years. I recently had...


My husband and I come from large families. I reside in NY. I have always watched my relatives children for the past 15 years. I recently had a fall out with a neighbor who called CPS and Child Care Council with many false allegations. CPS is preparing to close as they are satisfied there is no present danger. Child Care Council on the other hand has been to my house daily, demanding to come inside, count my kids, stand on my porch telling MY relatives about their licensed providers and then came today and stood in my house and would NOT leave. These children in my care are my nieces/nephews/cousins and grand children with the exception of my 2 God-Daughters. They had those girls and Mom in tears today telling them they could not come here any longer! This is my own private house and I am not doing "daycare", but am babysitting. PLEASE someone help me.


Your question is about Family Law, but you posted it under Computer & Technology Law. Please re-post it in the correct category. More lawyers with the relevant expertise will see it there, and future users with similar questions will be more likely to find it.

Good luck.

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