Saturday, February 28, 2015

I was accused of conspiracy to robbery with two other defendants. I have nothing to do with the crime and the other defendants just placed b...


I was accused of conspiracy to robbery with two other defendants. I have nothing to do with the crime and the other defendants just placed blame upon me with no evidence. One of the other defendants already told the court that I had nothing to do with the case and the other is on the run having failed to appear in court at all. I can no longer afford my private counsel and I am no stuck between choosing between using pre-trial intervention for up to two years or going to trial. This is why I would like to know if I can switch to a public defender so I can take this case to trial to clear my name without having to pay my lawyer when I know my name will be cleared.


borrow the money. pay the lawyer. your life is on the line.


Nothing is certain in court.

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