Friday, February 27, 2015

I live in Maryland. A former roommate had a Peace Order served on me for sending him a lot of Text messages. They were non threatening and n...


I live in Maryland. A former roommate had a Peace Order served on me for sending him a lot of Text messages. They were non threatening and no threats were ever made.

He told the judge he felt harassed. Does there have to be a threat of harm in a Peace Order case ? He mentioned he sent copies of txt msgs to his sister but never elaborated why he felt threatened. I think he was paranoid. I think he filed this order on the advise of his law student roommates to be left alone but doesn't realize how this will effect my future.

I need to appeal because I could lose my job over this.


Normally the initial Peace Order is for 7 days, and then a second hearing is held so you can argue why the Order should not be entered. Get a lawyer.

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