Friday, February 27, 2015

What is the min. And max . Time frame a retailer such as walmart is required to hold onto video taoes of the parking lot if I was illegally ...


What is the min. And max . Time frame a retailer such as walmart is required to hold onto video taoes of the parking lot if I was illegally searched and arrested? BecAuse I have a paid for attorney who knew he had to get the videos for my trial and drug his feet and I just found out today that he was too late I. Requesting the tapes. Wzlmmart told him supposedly that they only hold the taoed for "x" amount of timem now what is my next recourse I can or should take ? It wasnt my fault he asked for them too late. Clearly I could have sued the sheriffs dept for illegal search and arrest but not now without the tapes


There is no minimum or maximum time. The tapes can be destroyed immediately. I would be surprized if the DA did not get the tapes. If so your attorney should be able to get them in discovery.

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