Saturday, March 21, 2015

Accident happened in Montgomery county Pa. - New owner of house I was renting - did not get insurance - after several attempts to get him to...


Accident happened in Montgomery county Pa. - New owner of house I was renting - did not get insurance - after several attempts to get him to make repairs (including sending a certified letter of intent to withhold rent till repairs were maid) I fell down stairs due to broken step - after 9 months still in rehab and not even 50% better - Landlord took this million dollar + property and made it an LLC shell company to protect himself. Lawyers says i have a great case but feels that collecting a judgment will be impossible so have backed out. Question - What are my options can i sue him in small claims court example sue for my copays in one case and pain and suffering in another case? can I sue him in a different court my self since no lawyer wants to. Can criminal charges be filed because he had no insurance and refused to fix the problems that have caused me what will be years of medical issues. I have a recording of him stating he had absolutely no intention of fixing anything


You may have a case that can be successful. You may be able to sue the LLC if the LLC has title to the property and the LLC has equity in the property. If the LLC has value you can get it in many cases. You may also be able to pierce the corporate veil and go after the owner himesel. 215-343-3700; [email protected]/* */

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