Saturday, March 21, 2015

I have been divorced a few years and have joint custody with my ex having primary physical custody with reasonable visitation as agreed on b...


I have been divorced a few years and have joint custody with my ex having primary physical custody with reasonable visitation as agreed on by both parties. Everything has been fine with the kids coming over all the time and going places with me until recently when he and his girlfriend got their own place and now they are not allowing me to come over or pick up my kids to come here because they said they don't want to let me because they can and "she" does not like me.They even moved without telling me.What would be my best option or next steps in being able to see my kids again legally?


Your ex is screwing up badly and appears to be thinking with his little head instead of his big one regarding this issue due to a meddling girlfriend. If he continues to listen to his idiot girlfriend and continues this behavior, it will most likely look quite bad for him in Court. As you describe it, you are being denied visitation for no good reason other than new girlfriend doesn't like you and this is harmful to the children. Your first step would be to try and reason with him and let him know that while he 'can' do what he is doing he shouldn't and he is just making himself look bad if it goes to Court. If this does not solve the problem - get a lawyer and haul him into Court to force him to do right.

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