Saturday, March 14, 2015

Hi so I'm accused of larceny over 250.00, this is my first offence. They cannot prove the value of the items other than the person I stole i...


Hi so I'm accused of larceny over 250.00, this is my first offence. They cannot prove the value of the items other than the person I stole it from word against mine, the police never recovered the items in question. I am 21, no job, and mtf transgender, will they take this into consideration when sentencing? Is there a possibility of just probation or community service? Will they fine me if I have no job? And most of all..WILL I GO TO PRISON OR JAIL? thanks:3


If you have no other record and they are able to prove you stole something of value, you likely will get probation, have to pay probationary fees, and also pay other costs. Some of these fees can be worked off with community service. You should qualify for a public defender for a $150.00 contribution.

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