Sunday, March 15, 2015

I divorced my husband in Aug 2013. Subsequent to the divorce I researched and discovered that we had joint stock from the Cheesecake Factory...


I divorced my husband in Aug 2013. Subsequent to the divorce I researched and discovered that we had joint stock from the Cheesecake Factory. The stock was listed in both our names. Meaning, Jane Doe and John Doe. My ex-husband cashed in the stock without my knowledge and did not give me my half. I confirmed this action with Charles Schwab who managed the portfolio. I need some immediate help to try and get my half of the proceeds from the sale of those stocks. Additionally, he has now put in a Notice of Motion to reduce the alimony from $450/week to $100/week as a result of disability. He stopped working in June, had a medical procedure and is back on the mend. I am not sure when he will start working again, but I need some relief so that I can take care of our two daughters. I would like to tackle both issues at the upcoming court date if that is possible. If not, I need next steps to handle both procedures.


The procedure is to file a cross-motion including in your affidavit all that you want the judge to do. That would include an Order asking for an accounting of the stock and distribution of same and opposing his application to reduce alimony. These are not small issues and most people would benefit by having the assistance of an attorney. Even if your requests are proper and legitimate, you may lose by not presenting them to the Court properly. Representation by an attorney who practices in Family Law would increase your chances of success.

Keep in mind that this advice is based purely on the little bit of information that you have given to me. There certainly may be other factors that would change my opinion. Further, no one can rely on advice from an attorney who has not been retained. You will only be able to rely on advice from an attorney who you have actually retained. Feel free to call me to discuss this matter at 856-546-8010. Good luck! Rob Gleaner


We'd be happy to help you. Call me at 732/773/2768 to discuss


You need to move fast, please get a divorce attorney working on this for you quickly. you have to fight his motion and you need to go after your half of the stock proceeds.

call me at 201 820 3460, and we will assist you.

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