Thursday, March 12, 2015

I need to know if I have a case vs my landlord: She is always getting penalized and fined by the city of Monterey Park, CA either it's maint...


I need to know if I have a case vs my landlord: She is always getting penalized and fined by the city of Monterey Park, CA either it's maintenance or something out of the ordinary. The city made her clean up our complex, outdoor, by trimming her trees, bushes, palms, etc. She even had the landscapers plant new grass.

She left all the green waste in front of my parking spot and my neighbor's parking spot, same place where the trash bins are. Sat there for about 3 weeks and somehow the trash caught on fire around 1am last night. My truck and my neighbor's car were right in front of the fire so we had to rush to cars to move them. It was a pretty big fire. My neighbor saw me run to my truck to salvage it and screamed not to move it because there could be a possibility it can blow up. I still managed to get into my truck and move it out of the fire's way. We called MPPD and the Fire Dept and they also witnessed the whole thing. I just want to know if a lawsuit exists vs our landlord for neglegence


I don't see you having a case because you don't mention any damages. It is not clear from your post whether anyone was injured or any of your property was damaged. Just being upset that some traumatic event happened is not sufficient.

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