Thursday, March 19, 2015

I want to adopt my stepson who resides and is a Mexican citizen, what would be the best way to do this? I am a US citizen and live in the US.


I want to adopt my stepson who resides and is a Mexican citizen, what would be the best way to do this? I am a US citizen and live in the US.


If your step-son is a minor, presumably he is, you will need to go through the whole process the same as if you were adopting a baby. That will require background checks, a home study, etc. Even though you don't need an adoption agency to find you a child to adopt, all that work will have to be done through a licensed adoption agency in California. So I would start there. Find one that regularly places children from Mexico or other Central American countries in the U.S. You will probably also need legal advice, and maybe will need a lawyer to represent you. I have worked with Diane Michelson in Lafayette, which is fairly near your zip code. So you might want to contact her. You should probably at least talk to a couple of attorneys in your area and find one you are comfortable consulting through this process, even if you don't need to hire them to represent you.

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