Wednesday, March 25, 2015

i want to know if you have any legal help in the field to help me with my situation?im a parapaligic and have been for 10 years.when this ch...


i want to know if you have any legal help in the field to help me with my situation?im a parapaligic and have been for 10 years.when this charge happened i was on bedrest do to dutibis ulcers.ive been on bedrest for almost 3 years feb 2011 i was brought up on charges for csc3rd and the time i did not know the girls age and when i did i sent her home.i thought i was doing something good but i was thrown in jail while on bedrest and the made me sleep and change on the concerte floor.i was pulled out of my wheelchair and basically humiliated by the state trooper that transported me.for a year and some moths i was going back and fourth back and fouth to court.within this time i had see 3-5 judges and had retained 3 diferent lawyers.i was looking at 26years of my life being taken away because i did something right.after the girl got on the stand in one court room sayin we didnt do anything.then 9 months later that story the sec county(because there was 2 different counties)she said we did do something.after about a month of going to court i was aquttied of all charges and set a free man because she got on the stan and lie in there i wanna know if i can do something because i did nothing nut a good deed and still was punished.i need help and i seen your title.can you help me?


Not likely. Police and prisecutors are immune from suits based on the law. You could sue the girl, but the collectibility is probably an issue.

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