Thursday, March 12, 2015

if there is property owed by son and father but the son passed away can the sons girlfriend fight for property? They were never married but ...


if there is property owed by son and father but the son passed away can the sons girlfriend fight for property? They were never married but lived together nine years and did their income tax together?


Probably not. However, there is a chance she might try to qualify for standing to sue by establishing herself as a bona fide common-law wife. A key question then would be whether your son and she "held themselves out" to the public as a married couple and whether they engaged in various transactions as husband and wife. Unless she's got a bundle of cash to pay an attorney to pursue this for her (which would probably depend on the value of the property in question), then she's probably just bluffing. In any event, I would sit back and wait for her to make any step before deciding to do anything.

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