Thursday, March 12, 2015

On 09/12/13 Judge Foster ordered:IT IS ORDERED that both parties shall participate in co-parenting classes through Parenting Skills.Is this ...


On 09/12/13 Judge Foster ordered:

IT IS ORDERED that both parties shall participate in co-parenting classes through Parenting Skills.

Is this the same class I completed and filed a certificate for on 9/30/2011 PEC - Parent Education Certificate?

If so, am I required to take it again?

If so, does an online course comply with Maricopa Superior Family courts requirements?

If not, since the place in Scottsdale given to me at court on 09/12/13 no longer does the class where on the West side (Peoria/Glendale) can I go to comply with this order?


Generally the answer would be no. Co-parenting classes are not the same as the Parent ?Information Program. The classes are listed on the Maricopa Superior Court website.

We do offer free 30 minute consultations where we can discuss the specifics of your case. 623-748-8973.

Best of luck!


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