Saturday, March 21, 2015

Question: My ex just got an Attorney again prior to our Court Hearing. I got served with papers asking for me (Petitioner) to pay for his At...


Question: My ex just got an Attorney again prior to our Court Hearing. I got served with papers asking for me (Petitioner) to pay for his Attorney (served at 5:00 p.m.) and I responded with papers and had them filed the next morning and had the Sheriff's serve him at work where I had him previously served. His Attorney said that she was his Attorney and I should have served the papers different then I had served. What did I do wrong? Previously in a hearing 1 year ago in 2013 I tried having the Respondent served at his Attorney's Office and they returned the papers unserved because the Respondent didn't reside there.


The initial summons and petition is always served on the party, even if you know the party has an attorney. After that, papers are served on the attorney of record, not the party, with a few exceptions for certain special papers.

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