Friday, April 24, 2015

can i sue the manufacturer of a paint spray gun, if i am badly burn while using the equipment even thought warnings on the gun specifically ...


can i sue the manufacturer of a paint spray gun, if i am badly burn while using the equipment even thought warnings on the gun specifically say not to use the paint i was using when i was burned??


Thank you for your inquiry. I was sorry to learn of your injury. Manufacturers and distributors of products may be held liable for injuries caused to consumers if the cause of the injury is a design or assembly defect, or if the product is otherwise unfit for the use intended. Claims may also be made if instructions and/or warnings regarding the use of the product are deficient and result in personal injury. My firm has handled voluminous product liability matters. Please visit our website at, and feel free to call me or one of my partners to discuss your potential claim at no cost to you. (973)635-5400

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