Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Car accident attorney has notified medical provider by phone that they are no longer representing me. I confirmed this with the collection a...


Car accident attorney has notified medical provider by phone that they are no longer representing me. I confirmed this with the collection agency after receiving a bill which said "it is our understanding you are no longer represented by ___ & ___ and are now responsible for this bill." I have the name of the attorney's paralegal, as well as the collection employee who received and noted the call into their records. I have neither fired them, or received any verbal or written notification from them informing me they are no longer representing me. It has been nearly impossible to get updates from this firm, and they refuse to put anything in writing for me, including a supposed demand request, which they claim is customarily made verbally in Florida, for policy limits of $250k. Can this be considered as their withdrawal from the case, and does this mean I don't owe them anything since they were hired on a contingency basis and are dropping me?


Possibly. Time to put your request for information in writing. Ask them point blank with the documents you have been provided have they withdrawn.

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