Wednesday, April 1, 2015

I am in pro per for a master settlement conference in Orange County, CA. The cal rule of court says the MSC statement must be served on all ...


I am in pro per for a master settlement conference in Orange County, CA. The cal rule of court says the MSC statement must be served on all parties. However, the local rule (316B) says that the statement can be lodged confidentially with the court. The rutter guide interpreted this to mean you dont have to serve the opposing party. I didn't serve opposing counsel and now they are claiming that they have to be served. Does any one know what the rule means in Orange County court? I can't meet the five day deadline now and I am worried I didn't comply.


If you lodged a confidential settlement statement with the court, then you lodge a confidential statement with the court and you do not serve it. You simply inform opposing counsel that you lodged a "confidential" statement. Don't over analyze and obsess over it.

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