Wednesday, April 1, 2015

I crashed my car into a light pole and left the scene with my car still there. No one was injured and no damage to the pole. What can I be c...


I crashed my car into a light pole and left the scene with my car still there. No one was injured and no damage to the pole. What can I be charged with


Leaving the scene of an accident is a crime and if you hit a light pole with a car - you caused some damage. Highway patrol will most likely investigate and question you. Do not say anything. That's a pretty clear simple four word statement but for some reason people seem to not understand what 'do not say anything' means. When I say do not say anything, I mean don't say one single word. As they are asking you questions - simply say nothing. Eventually they will either go away or charge you. If they charge you and you didn't say anything, you will most likely be found not guilty at court if you have a lawyer worth their salt because the state will not be able to put you behind the wheel unless they have outside evidence such as witnesses or camera evidence. Absent outside evidence the only thing that will convict you is if you stupidly break under the pressure of highway patrol questioning, open your pie hole and provide the evidence they need for them.

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