Tuesday, April 21, 2015

I have been living with my boyfriend for over a year now in Florida. He is abusive and when trying to have him arrested for domestic Violenc...


I have been living with my boyfriend for over a year now in Florida. He is abusive and when trying to have him arrested for domestic Violence I am met with down right hostility from the police, this is because he is a correctional's Officer and they take his word over mine even when I have physical marks on me.

I was told by the police that if i call on him again that I will be arrested as well, so i just have to endure the abuse. I have a small baby and want to leave this guy..here is my question:

We have two cars, one we just bought for me to use while he is at work. The car loan, registration and insurance is in his name..but, I have full unrestricted access to this car, it's considered "mine" by both of us and I have my own set of keys and can use it whenever i wish.

I want to leave this guy and go back home, can he have me arrested for stealing the car if drive it home (California) and then let him know where he can pick up the car?

I am desperate to get out, my family cannot help me with plane/bus fare and no agencies out here will help me. Please Help!


You need to go directly to the state attorney's office domestic violence unit. You should also get an injunction. That can be done without the police getting involved (other than removing him if he refuses to leave). Taking the car is a little grey area since there is no written proof it is yours, however, if it was clearly a gift, then it doesn't matter how it's titled. That is more likely a civil issue, but since you need out, do it immediately as your safety is most important.

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