Sunday, April 19, 2015

I have full legal and physical custody of my child in conjunction with a temporary domestic violence restraining order protecting myself onl...


I have full legal and physical custody of my child in conjunction with a temporary domestic violence restraining order protecting myself only. My ex has visitation M-F 2:30 - 6:00. I just learned that they have been pulling my child from class (not leaving school grounds) on a daily basis to chat and say hi etc.... Would this be in violation of the visitation agreement? I talked with the principle personally and gave them a copy of the restraining order and custody order. My ex is also a flight risk ( i did the additional paper work required) so I am not happy that thy are excusing my child to my ex unsupervised to chat. (that's how things happen) what can i do?


From your question it seems as if your ex has supervised visitation currently. If that is the case any unsupervised contact is a violation of the order. Furthermore if she is a flight risk with the child this creates even more concern. Ask the Principal for a declaration that shows the mother checking out the child.

You should consult with an attorney on your next steps.

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