Saturday, April 25, 2015

My brother is having $100, he earned working, withheld as a "deposit". Should he quit without a weeks notice he never gets the money. He wor...


My brother is having $100, he earned working, withheld as a "deposit". Should he quit without a weeks notice he never gets the money. He works in a grocery store in Illinois. Can an employer do this?

Additionally the employer has my brother and other employees under 18 working on slicing machines.

Thanks for any advice.


No, the deposit is absolutely not legal. File a claim with the department of labor to get the money. If your employer then fires the brother, he could have a wrongful termination lawsuit.

The fact that he has employees under 18 working on slicing machines is probably some sort of OSHA violation or other regulation. You could reach out to them to report it.

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