Wednesday, April 22, 2015

My ex-wife and her mom alternate hosting a radio program at a Los Angeles AM radio station. My ex-mother in law is an ND, my ex-wife is not....


My ex-wife and her mom alternate hosting a radio program at a Los Angeles AM radio station. My ex-mother in law is an ND, my ex-wife is not. She owns a vitamin co. with approximately 10 stores. Callers ask medical advice and are recommended various products of theirs. My ex-wife hosted the program countless times while under the influence of alcohol and or cocaine. Many times after not sleeping for 2 to 3 days, actually dozing off on the air, at times babbling on making no sense. The radio station employed the staff who would screan the calls etc. The station was well aware of her condition at the time. My question is, would this be considered a class action suit? Would it be aqainst the vitamin company, the radio station, or both? Is this something which can be pursued? It would seem that such a case, if filed, would be urged by both the vitamin company as well as the radio station, for an out of court settlement to avoid bad publicity which devastate both.


A class action suit is when may people are harmed. If there are significant numbers of people who have made purchases or otherwise harmed, if this is found to be wrongful, it could be considered for a class action. More likely, if someone had significant medical injuries from the advice and or pills, then that person or those persons may have a lawsuit against the people and companies involved, including the vitamin company and the radio station.

It is my experience after 28 years as an attorney, you cannot preduct that someone will want to make a quick out of court settlement, and such settlements are rare. If a lawsuit is filed, be prepared for it to be fought out in the courts.

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