Saturday, April 25, 2015

my grandfather passed and he had a verbal agrrement with the people he was buying his home from and my aunt is trying to take over everythin...


my grandfather passed and he had a verbal agrrement with the people he was buying his home from and my aunt is trying to take over everything and she hasnt filled for letter of ami. of estate and i talk to the landlord and they do not want her to stay there because she has no job and cant continue the agrrement with no job my father is in jail so he cannot eather that landlord wants me to continue the agreement an have he removed. would i still need to file for letter of admin, of estate of no being it was a verbal agreement he also has a note a bank on a truck and boat which neither my father and aunt can pay for how would i need to go about seeing if i could take up payments so everything he worked for want go down he drain


Your post is not clear at all, but if the question is whether a verbal agreement to purchase a house has any legal validity, the answer is no.


Your posts is unclear as you ran several sentences together but it is impossible to have a verbal agreement as to buying or selling land, so there is no agreement. As for your other questions, see an estate/probate lawyer to determine what you can or should do (as a granddaughter you may have no interest at all in the estate).

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