Friday, February 14, 2014

Does my childs Probation officer have the right to tell me to make my boyfriend move out. And can they tell me that someone cannot visit


Does my childs Probation officer have the right to tell me to make my boyfriend move out. And can they tell me that someone cannot visit


The probation officer may set rules of probation. It is your child who must abide by those rules. If the child does not agree the rules are reasonable, the child, through counsel, must file a Motion seeking to modify those terms. If you do not put your child in a position to comply, the child may face a probation violation.

For a consultation call 612-240-805


The child, presumably a minor child, must obey the conditions and terms of the probation. Motion to the court may be made should the specific terms be arguably unreasonable. Tricia Dwyer Esq Tricia Dwyer Esq & Assoc PLLC PHONE 612-296-9666 Minnesota Criminal Defense Attorneys - Minnesota Adult-Juvenile Criminal Defense Attorneys

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