Friday, February 14, 2014

Hello, I have a warrant for a failure to appear in the state of Maryland for driving on a suspended licence. I would like to resolve this is...


Hello, I have a warrant for a failure to appear in the state of Maryland for driving on a suspended licence. I would like to resolve this issue from California, however I now go to school, take care of my mother, and I have a part time job. I do not have the money to afford a lawyer or a plane ticket to MD right now.

If I where to turn myself in to the local authorities of CA what will happen?


Unfortunately CA cannot help you with this. You have to contact a Maryland attorney. If you get caught driving on a suspended license in CA you will have big problems and your car will get impounded. Google traffic ticket attorneys in Maryland.


While I can make no promises what I suspect will happen is that you will be arrested and jailed. California authorities will then contact the Maryland authorities who will probably say that they do not want to extradite you. You will then be released but the warrant will remain outstanding.

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