Monday, February 10, 2014

I am living in New York State, the mother of my child and I agreed to a visitation arrangement for our child, however, she was not remaining...


I am living in New York State, the mother of my child and I agreed to a visitation arrangement for our child, however, she was not remaining consistent with allowing me to see our daughter as agreed apon, so I filed a petition for visitation through Family Court. Upon finding out that I did so, she has since refused altogether to allow me to see my child until the court makes a ruling, claiming that once I filed, our agreement "became void". Can she do this?


Yes, she can do if it were not court ordered.

See if you can obtain a temporary order for visitation.

Definitely inform the court that you two agreed to visitation beforehand, but she has become vindictive and has refused to allow you to see your daughter.

Most judges won't like the fact that she is using your daughter as pawn.

Also licensed in New York

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