Monday, February 10, 2014

Married couple has separated the man has threatened the woman he was going to lie on her call cps just to get back at her because she wil...


Married couple has separated; the man has threatened the woman he was going to lie on her & call cps just to get back at her because she will not speak or take him back. He's on parole & is driving without a license or insurance, & keeps calling me & my family. What can I do about this?


CPS gets calls all the time from unhappy relatives. If CPS shows up, tell them what is going on. If you have proof (tape or text) that would be very helpful to your case.

File for divorce and get a temporary restraining order.

It appears you live in the Harris County area. You need to consult with a family law attorney about all of your options.

Look on this website & on for an attorney.

Good luck!

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