Friday, May 2, 2014

I was involved minor accident about 11 months ago when delivery truck backed up. My front passenger side view mirror was damaged as wells th...


I was involved minor accident about 11 months ago when delivery truck backed up. My front passenger side view mirror was damaged as wells the door. The damages being paid by the insurance is estimated to be $2800. Filed a police report. I was driving straight when a truck was pulling into the street parking lot thought he would stop but did not backed up without warning and hit my vehicle. I don't have insurance and I denied I was injured to the police and the insurance company, but now experiencing aching pain in the legs. I initially experienced pain in my legs couple of days after accident but did not seek treatment because it went away with OTC med. now the pain in the legs is more constnt and it seems leg and the foot. Visited a foot doctor recently and she thinking its possible related to disk herniation or slipped disk? Do I still have a valid claim? if so will attorney take it or no?


You might still have a claim. However you will not be able to treat utilizing your no- fault coverage, since the time to file an application for such benefits has long expired,

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