Wednesday, May 21, 2014

ok what does a person do here when a room mate of 14 years steals all your possessions and property and the police refuse to pursue theft ch...


ok what does a person do here when a room mate of 14 years steals all your possessions and property and the police refuse to pursue theft charges and the county attorney refuses to press charges. Took the women to court the judge ordered the women did not own everything on the property and I had just as much right to it and after being removed from my home for a year and judge gave her temporary possession, when I returned she trashed my house, and stole all of my property including my damn clothes and I am being told to take her to civil court that no one will help me press theft charges from the police to the; county attorney what does a person do then to get their vehicle, their clothes and property back when they do not follow and refuse to follow the iowa code of chapter 741 which this women has committed several of these crimes in this chapter. what do I do???


I don't have an answer for you. But you do have a remedy in civil court. You think she should be prosecuted. The county attorney says "No". Maybe you need an attorney.

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