Saturday, June 21, 2014

In michigan i have a 10yr old misdeamenor (i was 19yrs old)is this consider juvenile? I recieved a dwls for unpaid tickets 5yrs ago. My ques...


In michigan i have a 10yr old misdeamenor (i was 19yrs old)is this consider juvenile? I recieved a dwls for unpaid tickets 5yrs ago. My question is can i get my 10yr old misdeamenor expunged?


The answer would be no. You are considered an adult in Michigan for criminal purposes age 17 and above. Also, if you have more than conviction on your record, you are ineligible to have any expunged with rare exception.


It depends on whether the DWLS was handled properly to not show up, if you got that lucky. I'd be happy to discuss it with you. Call me at (313)402-0853 Tim Klisz

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