Friday, July 18, 2014

I have custody if our children(24-25 days a month for me, father, 6 days a month for mother), the mom has resorted to calling/texting my par...


I have custody if our children(24-25 days a month for me, father, 6 days a month for mother), the mom has resorted to calling/texting my parents whom I had to move with when we seperated to rile up problems by asking are the kids alright she hasn't spoken to them in 2 days after they just left from being with her an came back sick as dogs an my son smelling of very strong urine(he told me when it happened an it was 6 hours prior to him coming back to me) I let her know this an the other part the kids told me about them "sinking down in pool " while mommy was talking to adults on side of pool, she has been told over an over until the cows come home about that an she still tries to pull the " they with me, I'll do what I want with my kids attitude" so she does things until something happens then she lies an says the kids aren't telling the truth(4,5 years old) so it's easy to use the "their just confused one liners. Then she wants to call like the devils right behind her saying all the love this an that to keep the kids from basically being kids an just talking out the blue (a form of manipulation an teaching to keep secrets aka lie) any other time she will go 3-4 days without calling especially on her payday an the subsequent 2-3 days that follow, with the I been busy in meetings line, but I want to know what can I do to stop the calling my parents nonsense trying to cause issues to shadow the real issues with the kids when they with her.


What does the custody and visitation order say?

Your order should have phone visitation rights laid out. It is unclear how calling your parents riles them up. So she calls and discusses the children, unless she makes threats or something like that, you've need to deal with her and she needs to deal with you in a reasonable adult like manner.

Here's my thought. You both need to act like adults. If she puts the kids in danger, either call CPS or modify your decree. Unfortunately your post sounds whiny, who cares if she doesn't call on her pay day? Get it in the order. The longer you fight over stuff like this the ores it will be on the kids

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