Wednesday, October 15, 2014

I'm 16 and wanna move out. I also have a baby. My mother will not let move out with family. IV talked to her about emancipation to but still...


I'm 16 and wanna move out. I also have a baby. My mother will not let move out with family. IV talked to her about emancipation to but still no. I can't live in this house.. Is there anything I can do. Can I just leave?


If you move out of your home, where you live, and how will you obtain food for yourself and your baby? Emancipation is available only if you can show that you are able to support yourself. If you leave your home and refuse to return there is little that can be done to force to return home.

Prior to leaving home you should carefully consider the cost of living on your own. You would be responsible for the care of your child. That responsibility can be over whelming when you are alone.

You do not have a high diploma and will not be able to obtain employment that will allow you to support yourself and baby. You should talk with your mother about you finishing high school and obtaining job skills.

What your problems at home will seem trivial when you are living on the streets and have no way to obtain employment. This situation could result in CPS becoming involved, which would further complicate your life.

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