Thursday, October 16, 2014

I own property that my house is on that is cut off from the road by Kilmore creek,,the farmer to my south originally let me have access fro...


I own property that my house is on that is cut off from the road by Kilmore creek,,the farmer to my south originally let me have access from another road to my home,,after a period of time he decided I could no longer use the road and told me to find another way in,,,so I had to build a half mile long road through the creek bottom and park on the other side of the creek and use only a foot bridge across the creek,,this last freeze and flood damaged my bridge and he won't let me use the original road to the south,,he help me build it,,anyway,,I was told my property should not be landlocked by the creek and should have a safer access to my home, I have feel from ice on the walk bridge many times and getting to old to take the falls. Before and during construction of my home he was notified of my intent to build and he said nothing, he even helped me build the original road across his property. I would not have built my home there if I knew he would not let me use the road anymore. At the time he told me to vacate, I offered him one thousand dollars a year for the use of the road,,,No Go....I'm at my wits end here,,,Please help. Stu


You need to hire an attorney in your community. There is nothing that can be said to you in this forum that you can just take and use to solve your problem.

Good luck.

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