Sunday, February 1, 2015

For years I have taken a shortcut to where I'm going by walking through a parking lot for offices nearby where I live. Suddenly the security...


For years I have taken a shortcut to where I'm going by walking through a parking lot for offices nearby where I live. Suddenly the security officer there, who I've friendly talked to a number of times for a few years tells me and some others I know in the neighborhood who also have walked a short cut through there that unless we have business in one of the buildings we can no longer walk a short cut through there. The security officer was very nice about this but said his employer that is the security for these buildings told him to enforce this.

I have never caused any problems for anyone walking through there and I would highly doubt my friends who walk through there would. This is privately owned property.

Can they legally do this?


Yes, going onto other people's property is trespassing.

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