Hi, I am in VA and currently my employer is undergoing a merger and lot of people were let go with severance packages. But I have been demoted and asked to work with the same guys who were reporting to me for years. I have also been denied any severance package.
I do not think I have been treated fairly in this whole merger and post merger restructuring process. Most of my colleagues and other employees have been informed about their last date 2-3 months in advance and have also received severance packages. Where as, I was never informed of any last date and right from start I was promised that my position and title will be retained during the merger process(HR letters dated 8/28/2013 and 2/24/2014). When other employees were looking for jobs and employee strength was decreasing, I was working hard to make sure systems and applications are running fine during the merger. Suddenly, on 3/11/2014, during phone conversation I was informed me that I am being demoted and if I reject the demotion, I have to resign and forfeit the severance package. I felt like I was just chosen to do all the work and then denied the severance.
Can I sue my employer for treating me unfairly?
Treating you unfairly? Without a more precise definition of a cause of action
that is generally recognized in the law, no, I don't thinks so (at least not
successfully). And, if, perhaps, you were working without the protection of a contract of employment which was provably violated by your employer, your chances of prevailing would likely be even less in my opinion.
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