Sunday, February 1, 2015

I was in a fender bender, and found out my lisence was suspended. The courts mailed me a letter to appear, the letter was misplaced and I we...


I was in a fender bender, and found out my lisence was suspended. The courts mailed me a letter to appear, the letter was misplaced and I went to the courts to get a copy of the court date and found out that I had missed a court date in 2010 and it's turned into a warent. What can I expect when I go to court????


You face a fine on the initial violation and a fine for failure to appear. The length of your failure to respond will add to the amount of the fine. You could also face some remedial education requirement before your license is restored. You could also face a new complaint for driving with a suspended license for the fender bender. Substantial costs. Good luck.


I hate saying this, but you might need a local attorney. See, you will be fined for the failure to appear. Second, before your license is restored, something might be required of you like another fine, etc. Third, you face some scrutiny in a civil suit if a lawsuit occurs for the fender bender because you were not validly licensed to operate a motor vehicle. This can result in per se negligence in rare cases. I wish you all the luck and am not here to scare you or anything. I just speak from experience with my own clients.

The good news? An attorney can help you resolve all these issues in most cases but it could be a little rough on your pocketbook. Sorry about your troubles my friend. Lot's of other people out there in similar situations; you would be surprised. Again, good luck.

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