Sunday, February 1, 2015

I went through jevunile court for shared parenting and vistiation agrreement with my sons father. We went through child support for the supp...


I went through jevunile court for shared parenting and vistiation agrreement with my sons father. We went through child support for the support but neither place stated any guidelines for out of pocket medical expenses. During a visit with his father my son broke his thigh bone and since i carried the insurance now i am faced with thousands of dollars in medical bills. I wanted to know what are my options for this? Am I stuck paying those bills by myself ? What forms should I fill out through jevunille court to have this address? Thanks


To properly answer your question, we would like to provide you with a free consultation. Please contact James Luna at 1-800-297-9191 or email James at [email protected]/* */ to schedule your free consultation.

You consultation can be conducted either over the telephone or in-person.

Thank you.

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