Sunday, February 1, 2015

In Brandon, FL I was involved in an auto accident in which my vehicle rear ended someone else's. The roads were wet, and there were obvious ...


In Brandon, FL I was involved in an auto accident in which my vehicle rear ended someone else's. The roads were wet, and there were obvious blotches of oil on the road. I wasn't speeding and I was trailing the car from a considerable distance. My car is a 2006 Mazda3, and the tires have considerably worn down tread; however, the vehicle hasnt had trouble making stops like this under the conditions before. My question is can i get out of paying the ticket and receiving points on my license?


The fact that your tires are bad may be enough to convict but it depends on a lot of factors. Your best bet is to hire an attorney. In crash cases, an attorney can raise many other defenses to the charges, as they are knowlegeable in possible defenses.

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