Sunday, February 1, 2015

My ex and I have a legal agreement stating the exact dates that he has the children during the summer this year. We only communicate through...


My ex and I have a legal agreement stating the exact dates that he has the children during the summer this year. We only communicate through his attorney (jealous wife). His attorney INFORMED me via email that he will be dropping off 2 of my children at my home on Friday during HIS scheduled time. He is supposed to have them another week but evidently has other things he wants to do. I informed his attorney that I am out of town, will not be home and no one would be there to care for the children. They are 12 and 16. His attorney ignored my response and said, "Thank you for agreeing to take the children, he will have them there on Friday."!!! Is there anything that I can do in advance? What can I do legally if he drops them at my home and no one is there, besides contempt charges of course? BTW, I have been divorced for 5 1/2 years and he is in constant contempt. He is very wealthy and thinks he is above the law. I call Mr Contempt Infinity:( Thank you so much!


This may be a situation where you should call your attorney to determine how and if to address this. I would do a followup email and remind them that you are out of town and did not agree to the date, and do a separate copy by regular mail, return receipt requested (and keep that copy).

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