Sunday, February 1, 2015

My husband has been paying child support for the last 15 years. We recently looked at the original order and realized that one of the line i...


My husband has been paying child support for the last 15 years. We recently looked at the original order and realized that one of the line items was "child care costs." There is the support amount and the child care amount. He doesn't have contact with the mother, but at 15, we know the child is no longer in any kind of child care. He has been paying the support amount and the child care amount all these years. Can he begin paying just the child support amount?


You need to look at the terms of the actual order. If it says the child care costs were for a certain period and were to end, then he should not pay them. If it is silent, he needs to file a FRO (Request for Order) or a motion to terminate child care costs or modify child support.

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