Sunday, February 1, 2015

My SO and I kicked our roommate out for having drugs in the house and gave him 30 days to leave. It's been near 3 weeks and today (9-24) is ...


My SO and I kicked our roommate out for having drugs in the house and gave him 30 days to leave. It's been near 3 weeks and today (9-24) is his move-in day for his new place. Over the course of the two weeks, our ps3 and SO's Nexus 5 tablet have gone missing.

This roommate (who also has a criminal record for possession) has before taken and used intimate items out of our bedroom as well as our TV and PS3, taking it to a friend's house to 'let them play boring missions' on a game of his. We would not have found out had we not gone into his room just looking for clean silverware and confronted him.

Later on 9-2-14 I smelled marijuana strongly in the front entrance between our rooms. When he left, I looked into his room and found marijuana in a small baggie in the middle of the floor as well as a homemade bong. I took pictures of those and sent them to my SO, who left work immediately to tell him he had to go.

He seemed to take it well, but for the next few days, I kept the console, tablet and any other electronics under lock and key in a trunk in our bedroom, taking pictures of it all in case they came up missing.

Since the day I found the drugs, the console had been in the bedroom, moved from the trunk, but still in there. Last week I noticed the PS3 wasn't where I saw it last and we have torn the house apart looking for it. Roommate says he hasn't seen it. Monday SO and I were out all day and he left his tablet on the chair at the dining table after saying it wasn't even charged, so it wasn't needed.

When we woke up the next morning, it was gone. We both know that that was where he left it and once more tore the house apart looking for it. And once again Roommate says he hasn't seen it.

So my question is, is there anything we can do about it? The items are expensive and have yet to turn up and our roommate has a history of taking our things. We also generally have a webcam in the lving room set to record when it detects motion and the day the tablet went missing it happened to not be recording


Simple, if you believe he took something, you call the police. That may also expedite his removal since he is doing drugs in your house.

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