Thursday, April 23, 2015

I got arrested and got a notice to appear at court the cop put theft from merchant and also put that it was a misdemeanor. I got caught with...


I got arrested and got a notice to appear at court the cop put theft from merchant and also put that it was a misdemeanor. I got caught with the clothes in my bag what do I do?


Get yourself an experienced lawyer. If you cannot afford one the court will appoint a lawyer at your court appearance.


I would recommend that you get a good lawyer. A conviction for a crime of theft will have long-term effects. I have seen in my 25 years of handling cases like yours, that jobs are few and far between, when they find out about a conviction for such a charge. I wish you well.........David


The short answer is you need a lawyer. You're looking at theft charges. The initial punishment may not be severe, but the long-term consequences of a theft conviction can be devastating.

There may be legal defenses, factual defenses or things your lawyer can do to either get the case dismissed, reduced or changed so it doesn't have the same affect on your record.

You need a good criminal defense attorney. I'd strongly suggest you find someone who focuses on criminal law and who routinely practices in the court where this case will be heard.

Please pardon any typos - posted via mobile device.

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