Thursday, April 23, 2015

I just completed my last Ch. 13 Bk payment for CA. Unfortunately, I fell two months behind on my home mortgage. My bank filed an arrears sta...


I just completed my last Ch. 13 Bk payment for CA. Unfortunately, I fell two months behind on my home mortgage. My bank filed an arrears statement to the court showing I'm behind in my payments. I'm working to get caught up but it may take two months to catch up. What happens next? Does the court send me a notice? Can they foreclose on me?


I suspect that the mortgage company will wait until you get discharged before doing anything. I would communicate with your lender as soon as your case is over to get them current.

In the meantime, I would watch out for any type of foreclosure notices, and check with the county recorder for any new foreclosure filings.

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