Thursday, April 23, 2015

My 25 yr old son was walking to his vehicle at his sisters apartment complex. He was stopped by the on site security officer for having a jo...


My 25 yr old son was walking to his vehicle at his sisters apartment complex. He was stopped by the on site security officer for having a joint behind his ear. Once he was stopped, he saw that my son had a small pistol on him. My son stated that he was taking it to his car. The security officer called the city police and they arrested him.

Charged my son with Unlawful carrying a weapon ( no charge for the joint)

What are his rights?


He has the right to plead "not guilty" and demand that the State prove its case. Unfortunately, the State will probably have no problem proving its case.

He and his lawyer should sit down with the prosecutor and have a nice friendly talk about a plea bargain.

And tell your son to stop doing stupid stuff.

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