Saturday, February 1, 2014

I work for a major transportation company, and every night when I leave for work at 11pm there is a man that stands outside and harrasses me...


I work for a major transportation company, and every night when I leave for work at 11pm there is a man that stands outside and harrasses me. Police have been called numerous amounts of times and my employer has also been notified but has not taken any action. What can i do from here becuase i fear for me and my coworkers safety but i do not want to loose my job by indicicatig to them that they are not doing theirs to provide a safe work environment. One of my co-workers have also been told that when she departs that " she has to do what she has to do to protect her self" .


This is not a w/c issue. You have to have a physical accident while in the course and scope of employment to have a w/c claim. You need to discuss your concerns with your employer.

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