Saturday, February 1, 2014

im a subcontractor for a roofing company,no insurance,i signed a waiver saying im responsible for my own insurance,was injured right sholder...


im a subcontractor for a roofing company,no insurance,i signed a waiver saying im responsible for my own insurance,was injured right sholder and neck /spine area,MRI confirmed surgery needed neck area,getting MRI on sholder .50% loss use rt arm/sholder.The day accident occured,i texted boss that i had woke up with kink in my neck,he replied,take sum aspirn and get to work,went to work till 3:00pm went home took nap ,woke up ,i coulnt get up ,had to call ambulense ,i went to hospital..could contractor or property owner be held liable?they were Condos,it was insurence job,


There is not enough information for an opinion. You need to consult a workplace injuries lawyer.

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